Cold War and Hot Tea

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Chapter 23

So completely shocked at the explanation she'd been given, Hermione nearly forgot herself, lowering her wand. "Kazakhstan? What? Why do you even..." Totally lost as she stared at the strangers, she nearly jumped when George snapped his fingers.

"Kazakhstan! The Izmenit' proshloye!"

The man that had called himself Yuri smiled wider. "Da! Yes! Our time device!"

Realization dawned and with it, apprehension. Hermione raised her wand again. "We didn't steal it."

The shorter man, Tanatar, said something to his companion in a language she didn't recognize. Whatever it was made him chortle and answer in the same language before returning his focus to them. "This we know, of course. For there is only one such device in existence and it is still in the bowels of our Ministry where we do our work."

George, looking as confused as she felt, opened his mouth to presumably ask the next pertinent question but Yuri cut him off.

"You'll be wanting to know how it is we found you, how we even knew about you and your little trip with our device at all, no?"

Both she and George nodded, but he held up a hand to interject before the foreign Unspeakable could continue. "First, where are our friends? Have you done anything to them? Are you planning to attack us too or is this more of an interview?"

Yuri shook his head but it was Tanatar who answered, an amused smirk sliding across his face. "Two men and muggle woman? They were in garden, plenty busy."

Hermione sighed in annoyance. They had less reason to be on their guard here. It was true, but honestly. The poor woman hadn't even sold them anything yet and two potential threats had slipped in without any of them noticing. She wanted to kick herself for having been caught off guard too.

"Don't worry, we do not mean to harm you. But we would very much like to talk. We apologize for surprising you like this but as we said, you've spent most of your time behind powerful warding or in crowded muggle London. I see opportunity so we take it." Yuri shrugged as he finished, crossing his arms and somehow managing to look intimidating while projecting an air of cordial interest.

Glancing up to catch George's eye, she arched a brow in silent question. He frowned and eyed the two men for a long moment before nodding at her.

"Alright. We can talk. But not here. We are a bit busy at the moment and apparently need to go interrupt in the garden." The two Kazakh men smirked at one another as she eyed their rather flamboyant robes. "There's a muggle cafe in the city we visited earlier. Meet us there in an hour, if you can blend in a bit better that is."

"We know the place. We will see you there." Yuri took a moment to admire the room. "This is a nice little house. I can see why you like it. Remote and perfect for hiding from Death Eaters. All it needs is a little magic." Anxiety shot through her at his words. Was he threatening them? How did he know what they intended for this place? "Let's go Tanatar. If they try to run we can just follow them like we did here."

And then they were gone, apparating away without a sound. Neither Hermione or George spoke for several seconds as they each tried to process what had just happened. Eventually, George stowed his wand and frowned down at her.

"So they've been following us for months? And no one noticed? Not any of us, not Dumbledore, not the Death Eaters also following us? How have they managed that?"

Unsettled, Hermione slid her own wand back into its holster and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the room. "I've no idea, but I don't like it. That time-turner was advanced enough... for our day. Now they've been sneaking around under everyone's noses for months in the middle of a war? What else are they capable of?"

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