Cursed Shacks and Strong Temptations

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A/N Thank you for all the nice comments! I meant to upload yesterday but my kitchen was finally being put back together so I forgot. I'll be uploading again tomorrow or Friday. There are going to be a total of 44 chapters for the people who asked <3

Chapter 36

The cushioning charm on the camp bed needed to be recast. Shifting, George set the muggle novel he'd been reading down along his thigh and reached for his wand. As he cast the spell, Hermione pushed aside the flap separating their space from the rest of the tent, a rueful smile on her face.

"Severus says the Dark Lord is in residence at Malfoy Manor. Lucius and Narcissa went abroad without incident."

"Good." George picked up his book and slid over, making room for her beside him. When she sat, he reached for her, pulling her down to lie beside him. He kissed the top of her head before resting his cheek atop her curls. "So... we're going for the ring then?"

She pressed herself closer and nodded. "Yes."

The memory of the vicious, dark scent of curses that lingered around the Gaunt shack like a black cloud set George's teeth on edge. They'd scoped it out weeks ago, deciding to wait until Voldemort was further away in case there were any triggers tied to the nearby Riddle estate.

His arm tightened around his wife and he cocked his head to the side to see her face. "I don't suppose I can convince you to stay here and let Fabian and me handle it?"

Her brows furrowed and she rolled onto his chest. "You seemed really affected by something when we were there. Was it that bad?"

Breathing deeply, George nodded. "Yes. Whatever is there cursed Dumbledore so badly even Snape couldn't save him last time around." He traced his thumb along the side of her face. "It felt... like he took all of the hatred he had for his father and his family and used it to fuel the curses he left there."

She shuddered. "I don't want you there either, George. But we have to do this and it's not something that can be done alone. Between the four of us, we can keep each other safe."

As much as the idea of her anywhere near that shack set off every protective alarm in his body, he knew she was right. They would need all four of them there, if only for the extra wands in case anyone showed up to thwart them. There was this last, penultimate push and then they'd have all the horcruxes but the locket. They'd destroy them and then attack the manor and it would all be over.

Cupping her face, he pulled her into a deep kiss. "I love you." Another soft kiss. "Let's do it tonight."

Her smile was grim. "Exactly what I was thinking. And I love you too." Sitting back, Hermione stood and grabbed his hands, pulling him up after her. "Come on, let's go find your uncles."

Tossing his book on the small table beside the bed, he followed her out of the tent.


"So, George and Fabian go in, Hermione and I keep watch?"

Gideon crouched on George's left in the tree line thirty meters from the shack. On his other side, Hermione rolled her eyes, apparently accepting the compromise. "If you take longer than seven minutes in there, I'm coming in after you."

Beside her, Fabian snorted. "Sounds arbitrary, but fair enough."

With a final scan of the area, George squeezed Hermione's shoulder and stepped out with his uncle. The closer they got, the more the oppressive darkness weighed on him. He wasn't the best occlumens, but he drew up his shields anyways.

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