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*Harry's POV*

'this is louis Tomlinson', says Zayn.
I was in complete shock...this was the last person I wanted to see... I can't handle this right now...I just wants to run away from here ... suddenly I hear a voice...someone was calling my name...

"Mr Styles..MR STYLESSS!!!!!"
I opens my eyes to see that professor McGonagall was standing next to me shouting my name..

"Were you really sleeping in the first class of this session... that's it 5 point from Ravenclaw." professor exclaimed.

Well great! Now everyone's gonna taunt me for loosing house points on the very first day.

I didn't even realise I was asleep. Ughh it's not my fault that out of nowhere Niall and Liam planned a huge ass party the night before the first day of school.
Ehh but it was really fun though..
Well tbh everything is fun with my group. I've got the most amazing friends in the world.

Niall well he's everything i could ever ask for in a friend... literally the sweetest person ever, always trying to make everyone smile .. we've been best mates since my first train ride to Hogwarts.
And ofcourse, No one can ever understands me Better than Lipi... She had always been there for me, taking care of me every time I'm down.

Liam and Zayn...Aww even when I'm just thinking about them i still can't say their names seperately . They are the most adorable couple everrr. Well we usually finds them in some corner of the castle cuddling with each other.. honestly it's super cute... I'm so happy for them.
And then there's him... Louis Tomlinson...ughhh...i can't even say his name without rolling my eyes out...well he's certainly not my friend but, he is part of our group tho...idk why my friends wants to hangout with him... I can't even stand the guy tbh... All his sassiness, trying to show that he's better than everyone else....
I usually tries to stay away from him when we all are together but idk he always seems to find some reason to talk to me just so he can mock me about something.... ughhh...i just can't he's so annoyinggg....i don't even know why am I even thinking about him.
Maybe cuz I just saw him in my dream... Idk why all of a sudden i dreamt about the starting days of my life at Hogwarts.

I can't believe it's been "3 years" since I first came here.


We are done with all the classes today.
Niall and I are at our usual hangout place. He was telling me about some new spell he learnt today but suddenly he just paused mid sentence. Well i know exactly what it is about.
"Ohh come on Horan it's been three years...you've been in love with L since day one..when are you finally going to ask her out!!!
Just learn something from Liam...you see how happy he is with Zayn.
You know she likes you too right??... honestly mann you guys are just chickens"

"Ahh...you don't know that...she might not like me back and then everything will be awkward. I don't wanna lose her as a friend...and i heard that she might be going out with that Charlie guy from gryffindor", he said with a frown on his face.

"Hiiieee Ni, is everything alright? You look sad"..Lipi asked.

"Yeah ofcourse I am good...no actually I'm wonderful now that you are here",Niall replied with a wink.

Lipi blushes as she say, "Aw Ni...you're just so adorable".

"Umm guyss? I'm here too...someone compliment me as well", I said with a little pout i made with my lips to which Niall just pinch my cheeks as they almost turned red and says,"Awww hazza should I call Tommo? No one can compliments you better than him right'"
And then they both started laughing.

They always make fun of me like that..they say that I'm way too obssesed with Louis...that he is the the only person in my mind 24×7.
Well maybe just maybe there's a slightest possibility that it's true but that's just because I just don't like him...and he's annoying and bad and irritating and his ocean blue eyes...Ahhhh why am I even thinking about him.

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