Chapter Two: Just Be A Man About It

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Nadira Scott

Why couldn't more men just be honest? It was like the truth was kryptonite to most of them, and quite frankly, I was sick of it! I wished they would say what it was that they did and didn't want. It could all be so simple. My daddy always taught me that if a man had nothing else, he had his word. If he couldn't keep that, then he sure as hell wasn't worth keeping around.

Well, today was the day.

After three long years, my relationship with Iman had reached the end of its rope. I had finally opened my eyes and came to the realization that this just wasn't for me anymore. There was a lot of shit that I decided to overlook in the past, but this was the last straw.

All I ever asked of him was to be honest. I was well aware of his profession and what came along with it, but all I ever asked of him was to keep it real with me, no matter what. If he ever felt like this wasn't what he wanted anymore, then all he had to do was say so.

I knew the temptations he faced being a pro-athlete, and I knew that we would face a few challenges along the way. The conflict in schedules. The long periods of time away. The groupies. However, I never imagined that I'd be fighting this battle alone.

There was no way I could talk to Zi and Love about all of this – their plates were already full. Love was still dealing with the aftermath of her divorce, and after the fiasco with Drew last night, I knew that Aziza was currently mending her own broken heart.

However, I knew what they would say. Why didn't you come to me? What are friends for? That was just the type of friends they were.

I met Aziza and Love nearly four years ago at an event Love put together for Iman. It amazed me how we became close so fast. Especially, since I usually had a hard time letting people in. They were practically family to me – they were the big sisters that I never knew I needed.

There was no doubt in my mind that they'd be here for me, but I'd just never been the type to have my friends in the mix with my relationship.

Speaking of friends, I thought what Iman and I had was deeper than what met the eye. We had been friends before any of this. Before the millions, the fame, or the other women.

He'd gotten drafted to the Atlanta 'Falcons' shortly into our senior year in college. While I pursued and graduated from nursing school, he had gone pro. We stayed in touch over the years, but three years ago, Iman professed his feelings for me and made it clear that he wanted something more.

Now, at the age of twenty-seven, I realized that I had done nothing but waste my time with this man. I was a firm believer of "you could've just left me the fuck alone," and now I was feeling just that.

"Just please don't have me out hea' lookin' crazy, Iman."

"Baby, why would I do that? I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for you. I could never do you dirty like that," he promised.

Yeah... ok. Things were all good between us... until they weren't. Thinking back on this conversation, I felt like a damn fool. A man would tell you anything if it meant keeping you around.

Like most nights, recently, I was home alone, and Iman was nowhere to be found. I knew that it was only a matter of time before he called me with some lame-ass excuse about how he'd lost track of time or had gotten too fucked up. I also knew that he was a goddamn lie.

I tore my gaze away from my window as my phone began to ring. Seeing that it was him calling, I could only shake my head. Right on schedule!

I pursed my lips as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before answering. "Hello?"

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