Chapter 5

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3rd person

A few days had passed since that minor incident and everything seemed to be normal.

Except it wasn't.

Selene was resting in a branch of the tree she usually sat under.

That was when Touma walked over to the tree and called out, "Selene, can you come down? I need to talk to you."

Selene jumped from the tree and landed silently on the grass next to Touma. She tilted her head when she noticed he seemed down. "What is it, Touma?"

Touma looked her in the eyes and took a deep breath. "I wanted to say... That I love you."

Selene stood there, looking at him, too shocked to answer.

After a while, she regained control over her body and started fidgeting, not knowing how to say what she was about to say. "I..."

Touma shook his head and spoke, "Just reject me formally. I've seen how you react when you're with him, how your smile is so much brighter, how excited and nervous you are... I know you're in love with Shirou."

Selene eyes' widened. 'I'm in love with Shirou? Come to think of it, everything he said makes sense... Oh my god, I'm really in love with Shirou...'

She composed herself as much as she could after a few moments and looked down. "Yes... I'm sorry, but as you said, I love Shirou. But I still like you as friends. Can we remain friends?"

Touma nodded as a tear ran down his face and he smiled weakly. He walked away after a few minutes.

Shirou paused in his actions of going towards them when he saw Touma crying and walking away. He raised an eyebrow before resuming and going towards Selene. "What happened?" He asked as he got close enough to not need to speak loudly.

Selene's gaze moved from the ground to Shirou and she smiled nervously. "Nothing, don't worry."

Shirou felt suspicious but shook his head and offered her his hand. "I want to take you somewhere. Come on."

She nodded and took his hand, following him.

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