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I follow Sworen across the field, leaving Dale and the mountain. The sun was still high in the sky, and I wondered what time I had before in was too late. I hear Egnor behind me and I keep a close eye on him so I don't lose him. Sworen stops in front of the forest waiting for me and I stop the horse and looks inside

"Where are we?" I ask and Egnor looks around

"I'm not sure, from the color of the trees it could be the forest of Mirkwood" he says and Sworen chuckles

"I thought Elves were suppose to be clever" he says and Egnor looks at him in shock

"You can talk?" he asked surprised and Sworen sighs and he flies and lands on my shoulder

"Of course I can talk now are we going to sit here and keep talking or are we going to stop this useless war?" Sworen asks picking at one of his feathers

"Why you little..." Egnor threatens but I stop him

"Enough. Sworen why are we here. I don't see why you brought us to a forest far away enough from Dale where the problem is" I say and I owl climbs down to my hands and points at the path into the forest.

"We must follow this path till we see a waterfall, that is where we meet Gale protector of the creatures in this forest which is not on any map. As far as elves, dwarfs, and men are concerned it doesn't exist and we want to keep it that way." he says and I steady the horse and have it walk into the forest. I turn to see Egnor at the entrance

"Well you coming?" I ask and Egnor hesitates but sighs and follows me inside. The sun leaks through the leaves as we continue deeper into the forest, small animals such as squirrels and rabbits come out of their hiding places and look at us. I hear the sounds of water and Sworen flies to a nearby branch pointing ahead

"Leave the horses here, and you, Egnor was it can stay here while I take you to see Gale" Sworen says and Egnor jumps off his horse as do I

"Absolutely not. Were every my Lady goes I follow" he says and I sigh and come to him

"It won't be long, besides there is no danger here" I tell him and he shakes his head

"I have orders never to leave your side" he says and I smile at him

"I know but I'm ordering you to stay with the horses till I return" I tell him and he bows

"Alright, but please be careful, and if your not back in five minutes then I'm coming after you" he says and I grin at him then nod

"Thank you" I say and turn toward Sworen and he flies forward down the path waters coming from. I walk fast and turn to see Egnor siting on a low branch keeping watch

Five minutes

I reach the waterfall and I gasp. It was the most beautiful site I have ever seen, The water was pure blue and was surrounded by grey stones and white roses. I looked around to see foxes, beavers and other small animals looking at me as they surrounded the small lake leaving me an entrance to it. Sworen landed on a rock and pointed at the water fall

"You must go be hided the waterfall, there's a secret entrance to the threshold of Gale" he says and I step forward and he flies to my hand and I carry him as I carefully walk on the side wall behind the waterfall

"Careful now Aria, I don't fancy being dropped" Sworen says and I make it to a tunnel that is dark and a little light presses through the darkness

"Are you sure this is the way?" I ask him as my voice echo's down the tunnel and he nods

"Of course. Now just watch your step and walk straight" he says and I slowly walk into the dark tunnel. The further I went the brighter the light would be to guide me, Through thick green leaves dangling down over the exit I saw the sun and with my right hand I moved the leaves and walk through with Sworen on my left. At first I was blinded by the brightness, but then my eyes adjusted and I saw a huge oak tree spring white flowers. I walked down the steps and saw a great white bear siting at the base of the tree surrounded by animals in all shapes and sizes.

He must be Gale. Proud and just

"Hello Aria, Welcome to my Kingdom" Gale says and I blush

Swoern flies off my left hand and lands on a low branch and bows to the bear

"My Lord Gale, I have lead the eleven girl here upon your request" he says and I stop walking. I was just a few feet from him and I got on one knee and bowed

"Thank you Sworen, I am grateful" Gale says and turns to me

"Please Aria rise" he says and I get up and with his paw he motions me to him

'Come here child you have nothing to fear from the likes of me or my fellow creatures" he says and I walk toward him more and stop until I'm a fem inches from him and he chuckles

"Whats so funny?" I ask him and he looks kindly at him

"I see you have your Father's eyes" he says and I smile and he continues

"Do you know why I asked you to come here?" he asked and I shake me head

"I understand that your friends and family are in danger" he says and I nod and he scratches his chin

"I see blood and ruin for that mountain and the treasures within it. But I'm afraid that is not all" he says and I look at him confused

"A fallen enemy has risen again and all will be lost if he is not stopped. I have seen the future and it does not bring good news for you" he says

"What do you mean, the dragon is dead what more is there?" I ask and he sighs

"I'm afraid the dragon Smaug was just the beginning. The real danger is still to come. At dawn of tomorrow war will rage and our common enemy with make a appearance. The armies of Mordor will arrive and destroy all before them" he says and I gasp


He nods

"I have to warn them if my grandfather attacks the mountain...........The orcs will attack from behind...........everyone will be slaughtered" I say and once again he nods

" I have to go back, I have to stop this" I say and turn around but his voice stops me

"Wait there is more" he says and I look back at him

"There is an end to a royal bloodline, The line of Thorin's ancestors will be no more" he says and my eyes widen

Fili, Killi, Thorin are going to die

"That cannot happen, I won't let it" I say and Gale sighs

"There will be death" he says

"Then let every orc that serves the dark lord be brought to death" I say and raise my blade

"By my blood no evil will rule over this earth as long as there's life within me" I shout

"I thought you might say that" he says and walks behind the tree and comes out in rusty gold armor

"I have waited for someone like you with a heart more pure then gold to fight along side. I will fight with you and protect and serve you with my life" he says and bows. He comes to me and kneels down

"Climb up" he says and I get on top of him and Sworen flies on my shoulder with a helmet. I see Egnor where the horses are and he turns wide eyed

"Um hello" he says to Gale and I smile and look as the sun rises

"Quickly we don't have much time"

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