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Maiden ran, ran like her life depended on it, swiping through the trees she could still hear the moose begin her chasing her, breaking tree limbs with his big body and antlers. Her and her pack use to go on big hunts, but this time was different. She had no one left, no friends or family. All the men were killed and women and pups were used as slaves or breeding bitches.
    "Yea, but you always had a pack to hunt with. We can't take on a moose on our own you dumbass." Maiden smarted off to Bree, hearing Maiden was like hearing a inside voice  or thoughts.
    Running still she panicked as the moose came closer. Her pads of her paws started to hurt, running on the go for 3 years your bound to get tired. Maiden and Bree both we're unhealthy skinny and tired, "I can't run for very much longer.. I'm sorry Bree.." Maiden whimpered as she slowed down, slowing down to a quick she pants as she sits by the edge of the river that leads into a waterfall.
     Her ears turned back to listen for the beast behind her. "I think we lost it!" She was so happy, finally able to lay down, get a drink and rela- "What was that!?" Maiden whimpered, suddenly from her right the same prey she was after earlier charged her, holding his head down low. His antler were definitely huge, his eyes locked on her as he charges yet again.
    Before Maiden could react she was forcefully knocked in the air, having maybe a rib or two bruised. Feeling her body pushed into the river she whimpers, trying to get away and to the other side. She was always told to never go into the river as a pup. Hearing stories from the pack talking about how so many wolves were swept under by the water currents and slammed against the bottom, killing them after being slammed against the rocks.
    Her paws paddled against the currents of water, her body already so weak. She could feel herself being dragged, jumping through the water she tried to keep away from the edge. Her wolf cried, "Bree, I can't do this very much longer, we are going to falllllllllllll!!!!"
    Feeling her fragile body going over the end of the falls she screams in pain as she falls into the roaring river, her body being slammed against the bottom rocky river and the sides. Her wolf was totally out of strength, she didn't care if she lived or died anymore, Bree and Maiden both just wanted the pain to end.

Sarita's POV.

Walking through the woods make me happy, the fresh air, birds chirping. Everything was so peaceful until I found her, a rogue. The silver wolf laid unconscious by the river, her head and paws on the shore line as the rest of her body still in the river.
    "Mom, where are you!" My son Bruce yelled, "over here Bruce, get the alpha and his men! We have a rogue, I think it's a female, She is hurt bad." Rushing over to help the poor creature Bruce grabs my arm, "mom I don't want you near that rogue until the alpha and his men get here, I don't want it to hurt you."
   I look back at him, "son it's my job to help sick and hurt creatures, what if she dies and she's the one who is in yhe prophecy. Our elders talk about a silver wolf! When have you ever seen another on like her! Never! Now let go, if I don't save her the moon goddess could take my gift away! I'm a doctor Bruce.. please."
    Watching him think he growls, "fine but as soon as the alpha gets here, get away, being a rogue she may try to attack anyone near by. Rogues don't like packs, alone is the only life they deserve."

Alpha Manuel's POV.

Hearing one of my pack members mindlink I sigh, "just kill it, I'm tired of trusting rogues and then they turn on us." He growls, "I'll send some of my men to finish the rogue off, unless you can, if you can i'll give you a promotion to head hunter, how does that sound?"
   Listening I smirk, "good pup, now send your mother back, Lila needs her medication," cutting off the mind link I walk upstairs to my daughter bedroom. "Lila, how are you feeling?" Seeing my daughter lay in bed she whines, "I don't want to talk.. I just miss mommy.."
    Sighing I walk to her bed and sit down, "I know sweety, I do too.. I miss her so much." Feeling her wrap her arms around me I lean back and hold her to my chest.

Several years ago

"Honey, you need to get in the bunker, get Lila in there too! Now go, I love you Laura." Manuel says, kissing his wife and his 4 year old daughter that was being held in her arms. "You be brave for daddy? Ok?" Lila hugs him and cries, "yes daddy, I love you."

Hearing screams, Manuel looks toward the door, "shit, no time for the bunker, come, follow me." He grabs her hand and runs through the rooms, opening and closing doors to cover there trail, hearing his little girl scream he turns around. "Laura!!!" He grabs Lila before her mother falls, "take care of my baby.. I love you Manuel.. love you Lila.. now go!"

Bruce's POV.

"Mom, Alpha wants you back at the pack house, Lila needs her medicine." I watch as my mom cleans up the rogues cuts and scrapes. "Mom you don't have to finish up, it won't matter.." he sighs, shifting he growls, walking to the rogue, his wolf was all brown with green eyes and his body was 3x bigger then her wolf.
    Sarita looks at him, "you mean he told you to kill her! Bruce! Don't do it! She could be the key, please, son. Take her to the cabin and lock her in, that's all I ask! I'll see who she is and what her story is."
     Bruce growls and nods, "ok but im chaining her up like the dog she is." Looking at the woman he growls at her as Sarita leaves. "You stink like death," bitting the back of her neck he pulls her away, into the woods. "Bullshit, this rogue is going to get me and mom the title rogues after we get kicked out." Growling once again he pulls her into the cabin and shift back to my human form putting some pants on.
     Running a chain through a eye bolt he looks back at the rogue, growling Bruce locks the metal collar and chain on her. Smirking at the poor rogue he growls in her ear, wanting to see the fear in her eyes. Seeing her not even flinch awake or anything he huffs, "Hm, fine, don't wake up.. you ruined the fun for me."

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