11~ The Silent Stalker and The Silver Wolf's Night

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Bree blushes as she sits in her room, Jessica and Sarita sit with her, talking about baby names and the genders. Sarita check her up  when Manuel brought her back home, she was having twins, she holds her belly and smiles, she was 8 months pregnant and was ready for them to come out.
    Sitting there she smiles as a message pops up on her phone, "I'll be picking you at 9 to take you to somewhere special." Smiling she blushes.
   "What about Adriana for a girl and Kyle for a boy?" Sarita smiles, thinking Bree nods, "I like them but I can't say for sure until the day they are born, Manuel has 50% say as well." Smiling she hugs them. "Thank you for everything, can.. can I well you something?" She asked seriously.
   They both nod curiously, "yea of course honey.. anything you need you just let us know." Sarita smiles and takes her hand, holding it firmly, reassuring her it was ok.
   She takes a deep breath. "I was dying.. blood everywhere, he says he was going to hunt after Lila, he won't every stop, he will wait until we forget all about it then he attacks. Everyone will be in danger.. the moon goddess told me only I can stop him, after I heal from having these two precious angels I'll need y'all's help. Sarita, can Bruce help me train? I know he doesn't like me but I need to train from someone who knows his stuff."
   Sarita sighs and thinks, "yes, I believe I can ask him, not sure what he will say.." Jessica giggles, "if he says no I'll make him!" She hugs Bree tightly, "I missed you my friend."
   Hugging her friend back she smiles, "I missed you as well."

Slipping into some jeans and a shirt with glitter skulls on it, walking out she slips on her black leather flats. Seeing him walk in he smiles, "hello my dear. Don't you look beautiful!" He was dressed in a handsome black and maroon dress shirt and blue jeans, walking over he takes her cheek in his hand. "Mmm, you smell good too, now how are my babies," knelling down he rubs her belly and kisses it.
   Bree blushes, "they are doing good, Sarita and Jessica have been helping with names." Her belly stuck out far and was sometimes a nuisance, but only one long month and they will be here.
   He looks up at her, "oh really? Can I hear a couple? Or is it a surprise?" Manuel stands up, taking her hand he leads her to his Mustang.
   Bree follows, she loved this man so much, "well I like Adriana and Kyle, Leon I don't care for, maybe Tommy, or Molly." She questioned, wanting his opinion.
   Opening her door he smiles, "I love Adriana and Tommy, me personally." Kissing her cheek he watches her get in, closing the door he runs to the other side and gets in, starting the engine as it purrs smoothly. Taking off he grabs her hand, "what ever you decide I will never love you any less."
   Bree blushes a deep red, "thank you Manuel," placing his hand on her belly she closes her eyes, leaving her hand on top of his she giggles as the babies kick.
   Manuel blushes as he smiles from ear to ear, "I can feel them." He says excited.
    Bree giggles and smiles as he drove, listening to the soft background music.

Sitting at a table in a beautiful expensive restaurant she looks at the menu shocked, "holy cow." She whispers to herself.
   Manuel looks up at her, "don't worry about the price. Tonight is a special night." Winking at her he smiles as a waiter walks up.
    The man smiles, "can I take your order?" Looking at Bree he smiles and then to Manuel.
    Manuel looks at the menu, "ladies first." He was totally being a gentleman, tonight was the night.
    Bree looks at her menu as well, "umm.. I'll take the chicken parmesan, umm also can I get extra cheese on it and please bring me shot of wine. Please?"
    The waiter looked at her confused, "a shot? Oh I see, yes of course ma'am and also, congratulations you two." He smiles and looks at Manuel, "how about you sir?"
   Manuel nods and sets the menu down, "I'll take the sirloin steak, medium rare and I want a baked potato and corn. Also, a glass on the best wine in the house."
    He nods and walks away, Manuel looks at his she wolf, she was so cute, her hair grew longer and healthier, her skin glowed. "Honey I'll be back, gotta use the restroom." Getting up he kisses her cheek and walks toward the bathroom. Looking back to make sure she didn't see, he slips into the kitchen, "hey, waiter?" Walking to him he quickly says, "I know I'm not aloud back here but I need you to do me a huge favor."
     Walking back to the table he sits across from her, "miss me?" He smirks and reaches his hand over holding her hand in his. Tingling sparks were sent through there bodies, her hand holds his tighter. "Yes, of course." She giggles and looks at the waiter as he brings over two glasses.
   "I know you wanted a shot but I was told if you don't drink while your pregnant one glass every month or so is ok, so here is the most expensive wine in the restaurant." Pouring them some wine he smiles. As she takes a sip the waiter winks at Manuel walking off.
    Manuel takes a sip as well, "mmm, this is pretty good," looking at his mate he smiles. He has a big surprise for her and she didn't even know it.
    Bree smiles, "wow, yea it is." Looking up at him she blushes, he was so handsome, she thanked the moon goddess everyday for being reunited with her family.

After eating she looks at Manuel, wipping her mouth clean. Burping slightly she puts her hand over her mouth, "I'm so sorry! That is embarrassing as well." Her face turned redder by the second.
   Manuel smiles, seeing the waiter walking over with a slice of cheesecake, "Bree, I love you no matter what and I thought it was cute."
   Seeing a piece of cheesecake with a ring on the top she looks up shocked, "I'm there is a ring in my cheeseca-" looking at Manuel she sees he is in one knee, "Bree, the day I saw you I knew you where my mate, I didn't want to believe it at first, but seeing you with Lila and how she smiles and laughs now, I saw why she fell in love with you, I want you and our babies  in my life for as long as possible. I love you honey." Pausing slightly he pulls the ring from the cake. "Bree, will marry me my Silver Cursed Luna?"
   Bree was shocked, this was the last thing she expected, crying now she nods, "yes of course!!" Feeling him take her hand he slips the ring on her finger. Getting up she hugs him tightly, "I love you Manuel, I love you so much!"

Coming home Manuel carries her in, smirking he walks straight upstairs, Lila was at a friends for a weekend so they had the pack house to themselves. Walking into there bedroom, he kicks the door shut, laying her in the bed he unbuttons his shirt. Watching as she unbuttons her pants she giggles as he crawls on top of her pulling them off the rest of the way, kissing her belly he smiles. Pulling her shirt the rest of the way up he pulls it off, reaching his hands back he unhooks her bra.
   Bree giggles more as he throws the bra behind him, feeling him shoving his face in between her breast, grabbing them he pinches her nipples, milk squirts out. Feeling embarrassed she hides her face, "I'm sorry that was aahhh-" she moans out as he sucks on one, her pussy was getting wet.
   Manuel growls and slips a finger into her panties, rubbing her clitoris he could feel her nipples get harder. Pulling off her breast he kisses her neck, growling in her ear. "Mmm, let me mark you." He licks the soft spot of yer neck, pulling back he unbuttons his pants, pulling them down and off he smirks as his hard in pushes against his boxers.
    Bree blushes, "I.. I want you to make me yours all the way." Smiling up at him she pulls her panties down, feeling him lift her legs up he helps pull them the rest of the way off. Spreading her legs open he growls, licking her womanhood, sucking on her clitoris he fingers her for a couple seconds.
   Looking up at him she was so turned on, her pussy quivers for his manhood. Seeing him pulls it out he places the top on her entrance, "are you ready honey." He says resting her legs on his shoulders, his eyes turned black in seductiveness.
   Bree nods, her face had a red tint to it, "yes, I'm ready.." she blushes more and moans out loudly, "oh fuck! Manuel!"
    He growls, pushing into her, hearing her sweet moans just turned him on more. Thrusting into her he moans out, "oh fuck, Bree!" He smirks, looking down at her, her eyes closed and her mouth open, moaning out loud.
    Bree smirks and grabs his hand, placing it in her neck, "choke me daddy, fuck your Silver Luna! Oh yes!" She moans out loudly.
   Manuel smirks, choking her he growls, "oh yes, you've been a naughty girl." His cock forced its way in her, hardening more with every thrust. He growls, lunging at her neck he bites down, licking his jaw, thrusting faster.
   Bree arches her back, moaning out, "oh fuck yes! I'm going to cum!"
   Manuel pulls off her neck and licks it where he bit her, "mmm, cum baby, I'm getting close." Thrusting into his mate he growls, feeling her bite into his neck he gasps, continuing to thrust he releases hisself as well, "mmm, I love you my Luna."
    Bree pulls off his neck, breathing deeply, "I love you my Alpha." Laying there with him next to her as they both caught there breath. Giggling, Bree cuddles into him, she wouldn't change her life for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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