9~Your Mine Now, Or So He Thought

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Maiden awoke, lights shined on her from up above the rest of the room dark. Growling she pulls on the chains that hold her in place, her silver fur shined in the light. Watching and listening for any sounds or movement, she snaps her head to the left. Smelling his scent, his nasty scent, growling she pulls on her chains. She could see his outline, the fur on the back of her neck and back was standing. She does not like this man, he killed her whole family! She would get her revenge.

Manuel and his army of wolves marched north, "we should be getting close, everyone look for anything that might be helpful." Looking around he walks in the area, hearing a hollow part of the ground he smirks, stomping on it. "It might not be the door in but atleast it's a passage way." He kicks the leaves off and open the 4 by 4 foot door.
Making there way in, they hid in the shadows, on the way to this hide out the pack rubbed themselves with dirt and leaves to block there scent for the blood suckers, sneaking into different rooms they all hide in a dark room, "we want to get them by surprise, no one attacks unless they have too or you see Bree." Everyone looked behind him, wide eyed. "Alpha, I think we need to attack now.., look.." pointing behind him was the stage Bree was on, chained by all four legs. Her body was smaller but her stomach looked bloated, "my Luna.." he says hating to see his mate chained up and sickly.

Maiden growls, her eyes on this man, "stay away from me! I'll kill you like you killed my family," pulling on the chains her eyes flashed red and then back to blue. Her fur standing straight up on her back and tail. They walk behind her, and around, trying to keep her front toward him she trips on her own chains.
Lycan stops in front of her, "you my dear are beautiful, why want your old life back as a rogue, you could be my Queen, my Luna, I can give you everything you could ever ask for, anything! Why waste all that, just on a little girl that has wolfsbane still in her shoulder, she is going to die anyway, and that mutt of an alpha, Alpha Manuel, yes I paid the guy to shoot your mates wife! Don't you see! Anything I want done it gets done."
Maiden growls, "don't talk about my mate and daughter like that!" Pulling on the chains she snaps at him, "you'll have to kill me before you will ever get anything out of me! I love them! They are my family now! I can now protect them!"
      Manuel listened to the conversation, "she...my.. wife.. Laura.. God he killed her. I don't even have words to explain how I feel." Manuel growls, "send a couple guys out and take down the rest of these fuckers, everyone else take out the little guys then that big guy, Lycan."
Lila hid in the shadows with the old woman, "do you see her?" She whispers, she found out the lady could actually use a little magic. Putting a scent blocker on them they snuck area, on the opposite side of the room as the pack she saw her, "there!"

Lycan growls, "I never use to be this way, I had a mate, I had a pup, well several pups with this woman, she left me one day, she was my everything! Now I'm my everything, you will just be another trinket to me, but just a bit more special, now, it's midnight, and I'm ready to make you mine."
Growling he turns into his pure black wolf with red glowing eyes, he looked demonic. His eyes locked onto her, sniffing her, nipping at her body, chuckling as she dodges, pulling on her chains one of her chains pop off and she was able to attack him, locking her jaw onto the right side of his neck. He snarls in pain, growing he swatted at her, pulling back he shakes his head and lunges at her bitting the back of her neck, ripping chunks out of her.
Maiden screamed, trying to fight back, blood soon stained her fur, loosing strength she whimpers, falling to the ground. Her body ached, her neck was ripped open, same as her sides and she could feel ribs broke.

Lila cries, "no! Stop! Don't hurt her! Your a mean person! How could you!" Her little blue eyes full of tears, running on top the stage she ran to the body of the silver wolf, laying there limp. "Why did you do this!!!" She screams, "I love her, she's my new mom!"

Manuel looks up there shocked, "Bree.. my poor Luna.. wait. Lila!" About to blow there cover he was pulled back, "Alpha, not yet." He growls, his eyes pure black, "fine," his eyes never taking them off his daughter.

Lycan laughs, "oh this is Lila hmm, cuter then I expected. Good thing your here, because did I'm going to make a potion for mr. sucksbloodalot here I'm going to need you, your blood." Shifting into his human he walks over to her, grabbing her by the shirt. Punching her he throws her to the ground, "first I'm going to have a little fun with you." Throwing her around the stage.
    Lila cries, trying to crawl away, "Mommy! Daddy!!" She screams scooting back away from him.
   Manuel growls, "attack!" Running up to the stage he shifts into his wolf and attacks him, clawing at his body. Everything happened so quickly Maiden watches for a second, shocked. "Mate!" Maiden yipped happily, she was so happy. Watching the tables soon turned, the Lycan was overpowering Manuel. Her eyes now pure black as her mate was being mauled by the now black wolf.  Pulling and tugging on the chains she snarls, seeing him going after Lila now as Manuel laid on the ground. Shoving the wolves away with a single blow, his body growing bigger, now twelve feet, it was an unfair blood bath.

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