Welcome to the show! (Part 4)

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Layla's POV
5:20 pm
Elliana, Sarah, and I were in studio A and Ms.Abby was talking to each of us about our solos then Sarah started working on hers and Elliana and I were watching.

Tiffany's POV
I was talking to the moms trying to get to know them more then I look down to studio A and see Michelle talking to Sarah and I just think to myself "this is gonna be wonderful". Michelle ended up coming back upstairs and then it was Elliana's turn to run her solo. We are sitting there talking and watching Elliana dance then Yolanda and Stacy start arguing.

I honestly think that Stacy and Yolanda would do better keeping their mouths shut cause all they do is argue and it gets annoying-Tiffany Montgomery

I love everyone on the team but I just wish the moms would be quiet cause they stress their kids out when they are yelling back and forth with each other and Abby-Layla Montgomery
Layla's POV
7:20 pm
I'm sitting there watching Elliana dance and waiting for the chance to work on my solo. Elliana finally finishes her dance and Ms.Abby says it's my turn so I get up put on my clean hip hop shoes( they aren't worn outside on the ground they are only used in the studio that's why Abby allows her to wear them on the studio floors) and walk to the center "The name of your solo is called "Worth it" but the question on everyone's mind is are you worth it? Are you worth bringing on this team or did I make a mistake?" Ms.Abby says to me. Gianna teaches me my solo and I go over it maybe once.

Tiffany's POV
7:50 pm
I was watching Layla do her solo and she only went over it once and it looked terrible but I didn't say anything and instead of running her solo again Abby stops the rehearsal and starts working on the group again. I was a bit angry but I can't let it all out I need to hold it in and make sure Layla gets off probation.

Layla's POV
9:20 pm
We just finished rehearsals so I get my stuff and me and my mom leave. On our way back home my mom starts talking "So how do you feel about your solo?" She asked "It's ok I guess but I only had like 30 minutes to practice and the other girls had like an hour." I say annoyed a bit. "I know but you will do amazing I know you will." She said smiling. We soon got home and I ate supper and went upstairs and started practicing my solo since Ms.Abby didn't have time for me to work on it. I then go to my room change into my pjs and go to bed.

~The next day brought to you bye Bradys left side Ariel~

Layla's POV
5:00 am
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and started getting ready. I took a shower changed did my hair and started getting my stuff together. I run downstairs with all my stuff for comp and eat breakfast. I check the time and it's 5:30 me and my mom put our stuff in the car and head to the studio it was now 6:00 and I ran in. After everyone got there we ran the group two more times before we got on the bus.

~ Time skip brought to you by Ann constantly saying Hannah's name~

We arrived at the competition and we made our way inside and to our dressing room. All us kids were in the dressing room talking about all the drama that has gone down. I just try to tune them out and get ready. I was just finishing my hair and makeup when the moms came in. Abby then came in a few minutes later and the moms started talk so I went and got changed into my solo outfit and put my AirPods in and started practicing. As I'm practicing I can hear Yolanda start raising her voice and Elliana and Gianna start talking. Abby then calls me, Elliana, and Sarah over to her to give us a "pep" talk. Elliana, Sarah, and I head backstage and wait for our numbers to be called. I was waiting backstage for my solo to be called. First up was Sarah and I thought she did amazing. Next was Elliana she did pretty good but I think Sarah did a bit better. Finally it was my turn. "Please welcome to the stage act number 83 "Worth It!" I get ready and the music starts.

When I finished I got off stage and hugged the group and we ran back to the dressing room and we got ready for the group. We got into the costumes and started going over the group dance and the moms and Ms.Abby start fighting. We head backstage and the moms, Abby, and Gianna head to the audience. We finally get called and get into our starting pose. We dance and I feel like we did amazing we end in our final pose and then we head off stage and wait backstage for awards. We all sit on stage waiting for the announcer to proceed. Tenth through 3rd was called and me, Sarah, and Elliana haven't been called yet. "2nd place Castaway" the announcer said. Me and Sarah look at each other nervously. "And first place in the Pre-teen solo category is Worth It" I got up and accepted my award and smiled apologetically at Sarah. We then sat down so they could announce the Pre-teen groups. "And your Pre-teen overall winner is Stone Faced!" We all got up and accepted our awards and went backstage.

Tiffany's POV
5:30 pm
Me and all the moms went back to the dressing room to see Sarah had gift on her vanity. I watched as Abby took the card and ripped it up. The kids came running in and we all cheered for them. I helped Layla get the rhinestones off her face. Then Abby said she was proud of her and then had a talk with Elliana and Sarah she then left. The Ashley started taking shots at Michelle about possibly contacting studio 19 and Michelle says she didn't which I believe she didn't. We then make the kids leave the room and it turns into this huge argument, I just roll my eyes and ignore them while I get mine and Layla's stuff together. We all leave and head back to Pittsburgh and get off the bus. Layla and I head home, eat supper, and go to bed.
Thank you Guys so much for watching the next post is gonna be a post with all the videos so you watch them back to back.



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