Its not what you expected at all

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Layla's POV
At the doctors office
After the doctor told us about me being diabetic she said that there is a device they can give me to help keep track of my sugar levels, it's called a CGM it's a small device that sticks to the skin and we can constantly check what my sugar level is.

~Time skip brought to you by Joanne's little Gia~

We got back to the studio and walked in. My mom and I walked into studio A and my mom asked Ms.Abby to bring all the moms and kids in. Ms.Abby called for everyone to come into studio A. Everyone came filling in and they all lined up. My mom looked at me and asked if I wanted to tell them. I look at everyone and nod, "So I went to the doctor to see what was wrong with me and I found out something I hadn't expected, but I wanted to share it with you because I care about everyone in this room and I don't want it to be seen as a weakness." I say, I then take a deep breath and look around. "I am Diabetic." I said. I watched as all the girls looked a bit confused but Bray just looked at me with understanding what I meant. "What does that mean?" One of the girls asked. "It means that my blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high." I explain. Bray runs over and hugs me burying his face into my shoulder, I hug him back and hear him whisper "I will always be here for you!" Into my ear, I whisper back "I know, thank you for being such a great best friend!" Into his ear. After a bit we let go and he gets back in line. Ms. Abby looks at me with a smile. "I'm glad you had the courage to share that with us, it takes a strong person to be able to share things like that with others."

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