Who is your main person?

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The first question you have to ask youself is, "Is my story going to be in first person or third?" First person is the point of veiw that you say, "I, me, us, we." and exc. Third person is, "They, them," exc. In third person, NEVER say, "I" unless that person is talking.

Unfortunatly, you cannot have two first person people in the same chapter, or else the reader will get confused. If you want, you can have one person speaking in one chapter, and in the next, another. 

Now onto the Hunger Games stuff,

Suzanne's books were in first person. Katniss never said her name to herself, you may notice. You probably didn't know her name until she announced it herself, or somebody else said it. That is what you may do in your story.

In your story, you have to stick with your person's personality. Sweet, loving and kind. Or maybe arrogant and mean. You can't have your person switching on and off personalities during the story, unless that is what they are meant to do. These are the simple steps to writing a great story! Not just the Hunger Games, but any story you plan to write.

In the next chapter, it will suggest how to make your person. Putting them together and everything.


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