The Pain He Sees

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Kanda stood impatiently outside the high school, the sun shining brightly behind a thick wall of clouds in the sky, the snow taking the opportunity to sparkle like it wasn't just frozen water, blinding anyone who looked at it the wrong way.

His hood was pulled loosely over his head, his long raven locks trapped beneath his winter coat, his choice of leather pants being one he regretted already.

The sound of school buses humming in the pick up zone behind him filled his ears, and with a quick glance at his phone he could see that 3 o'clock was nearing, any second now a mob of teenagers would be storming their way out of the building.

It was still cold enough to see his breath turning to dust-like shards of reflective mist, and being without his scarf today he swore his lips where turning bluer then the end of the night sky, he should have waited in the truck, where all the comfy artificial warmth was.

But no, he just had to wait for his Moyashi by the front doors.

...His Moyashi.

The thought made him openly smirk, blue iris's glinting in pride, dancing mischievously with a playful smugness only Yuu Kanda could ever achieve.

He'd finally been brave enough to ask the Moyashi on a date last night, and to his relief the little shit had said yes.

He rubbed his thinly gloved hands together, he couldn't even recall what movie they had seen, he couldn't remember ever seeing the main character, didn't know the plot, only that the Moyashi had been going on about seeing it ever since he'd watched the trailer.

It was like the movie hadn't even been playing... because all he had seen was Allen. That soft ivory hair of his, always so messily styled, yet made him so cute Kanda just wanted to act on his instinct and squeeze the younger male with all his might. Oh, and his round plate shaped eyes that constantly caught the light, drowning him with his molten silver iris's that are every shade of gray he could imagine. Allen's smooth pale skin that matched his gentle delicate touch, and a smile so bright and unrelenting that it's intensity was almost too much.

Allen was such a perfect little Moyashi, it took everything he had not to kiss him out of existence, not to just pin him down and claim the innocent little sprout for his own.

Especially after that teasing little peck he'd left on his cheek before running away, Kanda had sat in the truck for what felt like ages, waiting for his heart to stop leaping joyously, for the tingling on his skin to fade away...

~~~(Kanda's pov)

It never did, I fell asleep with a tingling cheek and a freezing body, my skin feeling far far to cold without that extra warmth he'd provided me, my hand craving to once again blanket his tinier, perfectly fitting one.

Fuck... I'd fallen for Allen almost a year ago, but like hell I'd ever admit it... Not yet at least.

"Yuu? That you?"

From a few feet away the Moyashi's best friend, Lavi 'The Bookman' called out to me, approaching with a grin not nearly as warming as Allen's, a steaming maroon colored cup of something in one hand and a brown paper bag with the logo of a local coffee shop in the other.

"Hey hey! It is you, you stalker! Waiting for Ally boy?"

I frowned taking in his bright orange winter coat, emerald green mittens, and ripped jeans. He might not look it exactly but 'The Bookman' as Lavi liked to call himself, was the biggest nerd I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. The kid was a dork, always skipping class to get food or coffee, constantly on his phone, practically hyperventilating over some internet thing. He was a nice kid, smarter then he let people think, but a friggin' nerd none the less.

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