Smile To The Camera

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Witch (gn) reader x golden guard

Its been a 3 months since the group got send and stuck in the human realm, but with Luz around so it wasn't really challenging to handle the....weirdness this realm offer.

With everyone getting into their own hobbies, Willow learning about the plants of the human realm, Amity trying on the anime Luz drags about, and Hunter & Gus getting really into the human fashion and fights styles, where as Y/n got reallyyyyy into photography, ever since Camila got then the camera, they have been taking pictures of everything and everywhere, capturing anything enlighting and joyful moment to keep it as a memory.

"Say Cheese!"

"Do you have to take a picture?"

"of course I do! It's not everyday we get to hang out on our own!"

Hunter rolls his eyes playfully, sigh as he takes continues to admire the beautiful flowers in front of him. With Luz going on a date with Amity and Gus and Willow helping out Camila and Vee with some chores, leaving both Hunter and Y/n, both witches decided to go on a walk around the famous garden behind the library, enjoying the nice breeze against their skin along with the warm sunny. Skipping through the rainbow flowers, taking in the unique smell each flower had to offer, and giggling with each other.

The blond boy couldn't help himself but stare at those delicate alluring e/c, your lips that form that charming smile and your lovely soft hair that flow along the wind. He watch your smile as you took pictures of the flowers, not taking notice of the small petals gently flying pass you and with the light of the sun alluminating you, he could he his heart beat faster at just the view of you- gosh, you were a true master piece, a photo he could state for hours and hours, if he was the owner of that camera he would only take pictures of you, capturing your beauty for himself and himself only. If only you knew what you did to him, how beautiful you are, how much he just wanted to go a embrace you and spread kiss all over your face making you laugh and giggle as you do the same with afterwards, rubbing your nose together as you two mutter how much you love each other... But he couldn't bring himself to do that, just seeing you made him weak to the knew, you had him wrap around your finger, if you told him to jump off a bridge, ask him to kill someone - he would do it, no hesitating - and the fact you were so oblivious to that! You really are adorable, give him a good night kiss and BAAM he's good to go, he can die in peace with just that. It was truly amazing to watch him gaze all over you, watching your every move, admiring you as well as trying to catch for any sigh, any, any that could hint that you felt the same way as him - but he couldn't find any....

Because he was also very naive.

Whenever he wasn't looking your way, you would glance at him, smiling to your self as you watch him in aw the way he acts as he is introduce to something completely new, how he would gently tilt his head and breath slowly, snapping quick pictures of him. Today specially, you would occasionally turn to him, camera on hand as you watch him lightly pick up a flower to smell it or simply admire its colour and beauty - moments like this, you couldn't help but to snap pictures, capturing the pleasing moment his stunning red eyes that you would do anything just for him to stare at you with those magnet eyes, his soft messy blonde hair that you just wanted to lay your hand on and gently brush it - if only he knew how you felt! If only you could proudly call him yours! It drive you crazy just the though of you two alone, together, holding hands as you continue on your little adventures with him. But you knew that wouldn't happen- there was no way in hell he would like weren't as pretty and skillful as Amity, you weren't as strong as Willow or as brave as Luz, or as smart as Gus, compare to them you felt like a nobody, a weak little witchlet with a camera in their hand, so why would Hunter even like you? That was nothing especial about you.

As your thoughts continue to expand, accumulating into your brain, you couldn't help but sob quietly, brushing off the small tears that threat to continue further more, gently turning around and pretend to continue your staring at the flowers.

But regards you small effort, Hunter was immediately one to catch on your sorrowful moment, noticing your hands holding the camera lowering, as hears your quiet sniffs, without trying to alert you, he slowly made his way to you, crouching down next to you.

"y/n?" he gently mumbles. You turn your head towards him, avoiding eye contact as he takes hold of your cheeks, "y/n" he continues but you continue to stare down at the floor.
"y/n... Please... Look at me..." his soft voice begged, which you couldn't help but finally obey.

"what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"it's nothing-g, probably just some stupid polem got into my eye-"

"y/n, tell me the truth please, I'm here for you, we are friends remember?"

"I-" as much as comforting his voice was, you couldn't help but feel disappointed at the referring of friend - even tho you should have saw it coming coz that's all you two are, friends, and nothing more.

"I'm sorry...."

"what for"

"It's just sometimes... I just wish I wasn't... Me... I'm not pretty or strong or brave or smart or anything, I never was, and it makes me... Sad, I sometimes feel isolated or unfit amounts you all I'm not special as you guys, I feel like I don't even deserve to be your friend!"

And with that, you were quick to be embrace by the blondy, feeling his voice against your next as he hug you tight,
" Y/n, please don't say that- ever!, you are very dear to me, and you are special! You're kind and sincere, there's so much I should thank you for, you have always been for me and everyone, helping as much as you can, youre so full of delightful which is the reason why I love you"

It took a full minute before you two realise what he just said, gasping at his confession, he blush furiously not being able to come up with an excuse for that, which made you giggle, laughing at his silly mistake and how cute he looks as he try to hide his embarrassment.

"here" you whisper, as you picked up a Blue Violet, putting it on his hair, "I heard that blue violents flower symbolises faith, affection, intuition and love" you said, gently locking eyes with him as his blush faides a bit, smiling a bit as he starts to calm down from his embarrassment, "I really do love you..."

"I love you too, Hunter" you say as you hold onto your camera up, pointing at him.

"now, smile for the camera"

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