Attack on the avengers

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Heading to the tower the first mission was to cut the lights off and bring security systems down before waiting for the signal to attack. Pulling up down the street I shape shift into an engineer before heading inside. "Hi I'm looking for a mister Tony Stark I'm here to upgrade the security system." I said to the receptionist. "Let me phone up and check" I waited trying not to show how nervous I was and then blow my cover, "Ma'am you can go up now they are expecting you." "Thank you," I said as I head for the elevator once inside "Solider I'm in get into position." I hear him get out the car "On it." He said heading towards the tower.

I get out of the lift Sharon and Rumlow are standing with the avengers talking about the hydra base I was held. They didn't notice me standing there so I coughed to get there attention. Tony turns around, "Hello sweetheart what can I help you with something are you lost and need help." I glare at him "Please don't sweetheart me sir, I'm not your sweetheart, I'm looking for a Tony Stark I'm here to upgrade the security system he should be expecting me." He looks shocked at my tone "Your looking at him and yes the security room is down the hall to the left Rumlow can you show the lady please."

Walking down the hall Rumlow says to me when no one else is around "Remember the plan, you want you and solider out of there then this is the time." "What are you talking about sir?" I respond as we reach the security room. "Oh em hello I need to use this room to upgrade security if you don't mind leaving so I can work that would be great, this fine man here is to supervise me." Gesturing towards Rumlow, "certainly we will go let's go Loki you coming." Turning round I see a man with greasy haired man wearing green stared at me. Feeling uncomfortable I say to him "em have you got a problem there with staring you idiot go wash your hair." I growled at him, shocked but realising what is happening "I'm sorry my lady I will let you work" he said as he left the room.

Sitting at the desk where the security system is I  start to hack into it. (You know I can see past your disguise lady Lilith, where the hell have you been we buried you, what are you doing Thor misses you greatly he's not the same without you my darling.) you hear a voice say in your head. (Wtf who the hell is Lilith and how the hell are you in my head?) I respond to the voice as I finish hacking the system there was no response. The monitor beeped and I began to shut down the security cameras and other systems.

"Soldier it's down you can enter now." I say over the radio. Changing back into myself and taking my knife out of the holster I wait for Rumlow's signal "You know you don't need to do this they are your friends we can take hydra down." He says almost pleading "Shut it Brock you know what they are capable of I need to do this now let's go." I say leaving the room and walking to where the avengers are. Wearing my original disguise.

Walking out they all looked at me

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Walking out they all looked at me. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in Rumlow grab her and get her to a cell." Tony said to him "Sorry sir I can't do that, now Sharon" he said as she held a gun to Tony's head, I smile as I see the solider walk in with his gun and a few hydra agents a fight breaks out where Steve and winter solider are fighting, and me and Nat where fighting both of our masks came off "Bucky, Lilith" Steve said shocked "who the hell is Bucky and Lilith." We both say in unison as we are distracted Bruce injects you both with a sleeping drug as Rumlow knocks out Sharron. They lock me and Bucky in a cell and Sharon in another one.

Me and Bucky start to wake up noticing that we are in a unknown place I start to panic, he is no longer the winter solider as he banged his head when he fell however Clint stopped me from falling. "Hey you ok?" He said moving closer  "Solider where are we, we can't fail the mission we will be killed." I say starting to panic more "I don't know where we are my names Bucky what's yours." He said with a smile "I don't know, Bucky I'm scared I need to get out of here."

We both hear foot steps coming towards the cell, I stand up ready to fight while Bucky just stares. The cell opens and I go to attack only to stop when I notice it's Rumlow "Chill girl your safe, you are back at the avengers tower your both only in here until the mind control wears off." He speaks looking between us "Where is Sharon you traitor you turned your back on hydra got me locked up and now if they don't kill me Alexander will." Bucky stood up and walked infront of me. "Look I don't know these people but I am no longer the solider however she's still summer shadow, do you know how to get her back?" He asked Rumlow. "Knock her out blow to the head worked the last time she got out." Bucky looked at me before using his metal arm to punch me in the face knocking me out.

"Fuck, you idiot Thors going to kill you for hurting her lift her and follow me to the medical room." Bucky did just that "What about this?" he said taking the bracelet Alexander gave him for me incase I went against him. "Give it to Tony it stops her powers and right now she needs them to heal."  Walking into the main room Steve spots Bucky carrying you, "What the fuck happened to her Rumlow she was awake only 5 minutes ago!" Steve was furious, "It was me Steve I needed to make the girl back to herself and not Summer Shadow."  Bucky said lowering his head, "You did this to Lilith, give her to me you idiot!" Taking me from Bucky not even making eye contact with him he walks to the medical room placing me on the bed for Bruce to check her over.

"Why does Steve care so much or pretend to care for the girl is this his new one after Peggy also how the hell is he still alive." They all looked confused surely if he knew Steve back in the war he would know the relationship between them. "Lady Lilith is Steve's little sister hasn't he mentioned her to you? She is Thors fiancé and he's alive as he went into the ice, pity he didn't stay there if you ask me" Loki said. "No he never mentioned a sister, she was at hydra when I was there and got this we where close also I don't trust our minds our code words are still tied into our brains." Bucky said broken "Ah that's where I come in we have brought equipment that will give you the memories back you have lost and also break the code words you can come with me to Wakanda or I can get Shuri to bring it here." Speechless Bucky looked around and seen Tony "Bring it here I want my girl and her friend close I have lost enough time with her T'challa that is if you don't mind your highness." Thor said walking through the door "Also where is she?" Every one looked at Bucky.

"Medical room dear brother James here had to knock her out to get our Lilith back and not summers shadow." Loki responded "Yeah sorry about that, and when can we start with this memory thing, your highness" Bucky asked "Please call me T'challa and as soon as Lilith is awake if that is ok." He said with a smile "But first let me show you to your room." Tony said and they both walked away. Once he showed Bucky his room they both headed back to the main room Steve was back. "You better hope she's ok Bucky" feeling guilty Bucky looks down. "Shut up Steve when we thought she was dead you where to busy getting your leg over Natasha than care about your sisters death." Loki says "Don't worry Bucky you did what you thought was right I would have done the same, now what are we going to do with the bitch in the cell?" Bucky smiles at Loki "We need to question her then Nick is taking her to the raft." Rhodes said, they all head towards the cells.

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