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19 years old

2 years later, in Tokyo, Japan.

There's blood on my face. I know it's on my clothes. My knuckles are bruised as they clench onto a bat that I found in the corner of a bar. I walk down the dark alleyway, dragging my new bloody weapon. I think these moments are the only times when my mind is ever this clear, nowadays.

The last man of a group I killed keeps dragging himself farther away from me, his deep breaths mixing with the sound of my heels clicking on the concrete. I stop for a second, leaning the bloody bat against the wall as I pull a cigarette and a lighter out of my pocket.

I put the cigarette to my lips and lit it. I checked my watch. 10:58 p.m. I sigh and push against the wall, picking up the bat and walking quickly towards the man.He stops dragging himself and turns to me, horror in his eyes.

"P-please, I have a family!" He shouts in Japanese as I advance on him, sucking in smoke from the cigarette. "Please!" He sobs.

"Please, I have a sister, my twin," I pause at his words, blinking. "My twin sister, she's sick." I lift the bat with both hands, ready to swing. "Please, I have to care for her. I—" His tears mixing with his blood, he cuts off with a sob, "You must understand." "Please, mercy."

I blink once more. "I've lost my mercy." swinging the bat down over and over. His blood splatters onto the concrete, and he dies without even screaming. I stop swinging the bat and drop it on the dead body, dropping my cigarette with it too.

I slip off my gloves and shove them into my pocket, pulling my phone out. I dialed a number and put it to my ear, saying the name of the alleyway and bar I came from, "Clean this shit up." I hang up and continue walking down. I grab a small box from my pocket, grazing the design on it, I pop it open.

Letting out a bitter laugh, I grab a piece of what looks like transparent paper and place it on my tongue, snapping the box closed and shoving it into my pocket.

"I bet he would be really happy that youʻre using that box for drugs." My heart starts to beat faster when I hear that arrogant voice.

I look at Isamu with dead eyes, "you'd be surprised how many fucks I don't give."

"I think you give a lot of fucks," he says as he lights a cigarette at his lips. him in his suite makes my heart beat even faster.

I let out a laugh that almost sounded psychotic, "You don't know anything. Fuck off. "

He lifts an eyebrow, sauntering towards me, "and what will you do if I don't?"

I scoff and turn away, walking in the opposite direction, but he grabs my hand, spinning me around, and pulls me towards him. His eyes soften as he brings his other hand to caress my face. "Yazlin," he whispers softly, making me shiver and my heart pang.

"Isamu, I-" but the look of softness is already gone and he smiles a wrong smile at me. "Don't do that!" I yell frustratedly as I push him away.

He gives me a fake questioning look and says, "Do what?" His voice was deep.

I ran my hands through my hair and tugged hard. "Manipulate me," I shouted at him in answer. "You always try to trick me, and I always fall for it," my voice breaks, "I-"

His face softens once more, but before he can say anything, I yell, "fuck you!" and I spin around, walking all the way down the alleyway, and he doesn't try to stop me this time. I wipe my cheek, blood and tears smearing, and I walk faster.

I hate him so much. But I hate that I love him even more.

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