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26 years old

1 month later, in Tokyo, Japan.

I smile down at my phone as I get a message from Yaz,

My meeting is about to start. Do you want to get lunch after?

I reply,


"I don't think that's a good idea." Toru says from beside me. Isamu had called us with a mission to complete. So, that's what we're doing. A mission.

Toru doesn't look at me as he snaps a picture of a man on the street walking into a restaurant.

I frown, "what are you talking about?"

He makes a gesture to my phone, still not looking at me, "That whole thing happening with you and Yaz."

I look away, resting my arm on the car door, "I still don't know what you're talking about."

He rolls his eyes, snapping another photo of the man meeting with another, "It's obvious you two have something going on. I caught her smiling like an idiot the other day. Kind of like I just caught you doing the same."

I look toward him, sharply, "she's not an idiot."

He looks toward me then back to the men, conducting a trade, "You're right, she's not but you are."

I narrow my eyes, "why?"

He shakes his head, "Don't act clueless. You know the boss has this weird possesiveness over her. I mean you and I, " He gestures between us, "We are his best men and he sent us to baby sit and then watch over a woman he wasn't even with at the time." He snaps a few other pictures, "And even now, we live with her and he just let her walk out of his house with his kid and the baby in her belly that is also his. I mean if that doesn't tell you that he has something for her, then I don't know what would."

I clench my hands, looking towards the men making the deal. Shit, he's right. I knew it already but I didn't want to admit it. "Yeah, you have a point but what does that have to do with me?"

He smacks me upside the head, "Listen to me, Akasuki." He glares at me, "There's a chance that if he finds out that you and her are fucking. He might just kill you. And I like having you as a friend. You're pretty great when you aren't being an idiot." He says looking back towards the man getting in his car.

I rub the spot where he hit me on my head, "I never said we were fucking." Pulling my lips into a line.

He laughs, starting up the car, "You guys make it so obvious. With all your flirting and sneaking out of each others rooms. At this point, I think the whole house knows."

I shake my head watching as the man drives away and we follow.

Fuck, he's right. But I'm in too deep and like hell would I let someone pull me out now.

I'm happy with what is going on and I'm not going to let some asshole change it.

Yaz is all that matters. 

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