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Song: Island by SVRCINA



Roux reminds me of a broody hen. She squabbles about, arguing with herself, tidying drawers and grabbing linens. She disappears into the attached washroom. I stand helplessly, in a large room. A magnificent bed is the main feature, with white linens and a sheer white canopy covering the four posts. Dressers, a desk, and a wardrobe line the walls. Everything is done up in light colors, pastel blues and greens, just a touch of pink and yellow. Almost like I'm standing in the field of flowers depicted on the massive rug that covers the whole floor. There's floor to ceiling windows that lead to a well lit balcony. I can't see anything beyond that in the dark, but I imagine the sun shining through and lighting the whole room. It's beautiful and there's so much to take in.

Roux bustles back into the room, muttering to herself. I'm out of my depth here, and all I want is to sleep, but I await her direction. She enters the wardrobe and pulls out a light nightgown, with half sleeves and almost to the floor. "Alright," she sighs, "In the bath you go."

I take a careful step towards the washroom. She nods encouragingly, "Go on, there's no need to be afraid of it."

She follows me in and shuts the door behind us. The room is warm and steamy, a floral scent tickles my nose. I look back at her, she gestures, "Well, strip. I'll take all your things and get them clean and mend them. Though I think Killian might prefer I throw them all away."

I open my mouth to refuse when she hushes me, "Don't even start. I wouldn't do such a thing. I know you will want them close in case you choose to run. I wouldn't recommend the idea though."

I remove my boots and socks, setting them aside. I slide my arms through my jacket, tossing it on top of the boots. I hesitate at the button of my jeans and she coerces, "It's alright. It's not like I haven't seen it before. We all have the same bits and pieces."

The bath filled with steaming water calls to me. My body aches and I want nothing more than to wash away all the sins from today. I'm still smeared with blood, even though Gardner tried his best to get off what he could at the office. Before I can think too much about it I undo the button and pull them off, along with the layers of shirts and hand them off to Roux. She stares at me and I become self-conscious. Her eyes are sad, "My dear girl. What happened to you?"

She can see every single scar on my body. Every bruise. I'm sure she could even count my ribs if she wanted to. I'm mangled, like an old doll someone carried around for too long. My button eyes are mismatched and my seams are ripping. I've been stained and soiled, tossed about. Some would say I'm well-loved, but I think my owner just didn't care.

I quickly walk over to the tub and step in. The heat floods my body and I ease down into the watery blanket. I'm careful of my hand, keeping it above water. I take a breath and pull my head underwater, letting the silence consume me. When I pop back up, Roux stands over me with some tinctures in bottles. She sits on a stool next to the bath and takes a cloth, pouring some of the liquid onto it before rubbing it into a lather. She holds out a hand, "Give me your left arm. You can't scrub it yourself. I'll let you do the rest though."

I give it to her and she carefully rubs it clean. I notice the burn marks on my wrists for the first time, where the friction of trying to break the ropes had rubbed my skin raw. Roux is gentle with them and I realize I finally feel relaxed. Even under Hinge's care I was skittish and ready to bolt. Here, I am allowing myself to settle.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" Roux prods.

"I wish I could say I did. You seem like someone I wouldn't mind knowing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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