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I don't know where to start. This has been my project for four years. I have my ups and downs with it. It was one of those things where I thought, "I want to know how this story ends, can someone please right this?"

Well, that's my job.

I can't promise that I will update regularly. I am a perfectionist who with two dogs, two cats, and a husband to take care of. I'm also in between jobs so the interview process takes time. Mostly though, my creativity comes and goes with my Bipolar. 

Yes, I am Bipolar and it really affects how things progress. If I'm manic, I'm flourishing with ideas and visions. Then the depression crashes the party and I can't get anything out. 

This has been my first good idea in a while. I promise you that it's going to be a good mix of everything. And I mean everything. Romance, action, secrets, humor, etc, etc. I want people of all types, ages, and backgrounds to enjoy this book. I want it to be a place where everyone is welcome. 

Alright, now, the book.

Oooh, Aaaaah

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Oooh, Aaaaah.

Designed by yours truly (yay me)


Honestly, I'm very nervous to put my work out here because I know, KNOW, that someone is going to copy it and put it somewhere that I will never find it. This is something that I've worked extremely hard on, and hope to maybe one day get published. The point is please, please, PLEASE do not copy, my story or artwork.

Here's what you need to know before reading Chromatically Cursed:

1. This story uses new terminology that can be defined as you read. However, here's a guide in case you want to feel like you know what you're doing (trust me, I have anxiety too.)

Satis: SAY-tis

Satia: SAY-shuh

Caelesti: KI-uh-les-tee

Altum: AL-tum

Magistratus: ma-ji-STRAH-tus

Magistrata: ma-ji-STRAH-tuh

Terrenum: ter-RAIN-um

Terres: TER-rees

Solum: SOH-lum

Caenina: KI-nin-uh

2. Music helps me view my story in my brain. Therefore, each chapter will have a song that goes with it. I highly suggest listening to the song while you read, but I won't be offended if you don't. Some chapters might have the same song because it just fits both scenes or it's a continuation of a chapter. There might even be two songs for a chapter depending on how it goes. If you are listening to something or you come across a song that makes you think of a chapter, COMMENT! Let me know what you found. I love hearing new ideas.

3. I appreciate ideas and input. Don't be afraid to comment or message me about anything. Whether it's a mistake I made or you want to see something happen in the story, I will consider everything. I also love a healthy debate so if you disagree with how I'm portraying someone or something, let's talk about it :)

That's all for now. Hopefully you all enjoy. Thanks for stopping in and reading!


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