Ellie In Darkness

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The stadium pulsed with electric energy. The roar of the crowd was a tangible force, a cacophony of cheers and chants that reverberated through the stands. The tournament had reached a fever pitch, and the air crackled with anticipation.

Draka tore around the racetrack. His monstrous form left his competitors in the dust, a testament to his raw power and Silver's years of honed training. The announcer's voice, booming through the speakers, was drowned out by the deafening applause that followed Draka's flawless run.

He crossed the finish line with a triumphant roar, a feat that earned him a celebratory fist pump from Jin, a flicker of pride momentarily replacing his usual stoicism.

"And the first finalist is the rising star, Jin Hyast!" the announcer's voice finally cut through the din, his words amplified by the magical megaphones. "He's just three wins away from claiming the coveted title!"

Sir Jock pumped his fist, a wide grin splitting his face.

"That's one step closer, Jin!" he bellowed.

Silver offered a curt nod, his expression unreadable. He knew this was just the beginning. The true test lay ahead.

Moments later, Kuby found himself neck-and-neck with his opponent as they entered the final lap. Moncha, however, seemed utterly unfazed by the high stakes. A yawn escaped his wide, toothy maw, telegraphing his utter boredom with the whole affair.

With a nonchalant flick of his tongue, Moncha unleashed his signature move. His long, prehensile tongue, imbued with a surprising amount of strength, snatched his opponent's vehicle and sent it spinning into a tizzy. The unfortunate competitor's vehicle careened out of control, eventually crashing into a heap of twisted metal.

"Moncha!" Kuby roared, exasperation coloring his voice. "This isn't playtime! Show some respect for the competition!"

The crowd, however, erupted in cheers, reveling in the unexpected display of Monkart's agility.

Bibi strolled through his race with an air of bored superiority. His Monkart, a sleek, black machine with an air of predatory elegance, glided around the track effortlessly. The announcer's words, a garbled mix of languages and nonsensical phrases, did little to add to the spectacle.

Bibi crossed the finish line with a theatrical flourish, his victory met with a smattering of applause. He addressed the crowd, his voice dripping with a sickening arrogance.

"The final race," he declared, a smirk playing on his lips, "will be between me and my beloved Ellie. You're all just here to add some color to the background."

Silver scoffed inwardly. Based on Bibi's last showing, a victory was far from guaranteed. The announcer, mercifully, switched to a more intelligible language as he introduced Ellie's race.

"Prepare yourselves, folks," he boomed, his voice tinged with a hint of awe, "for the return of our very own goddess, Ellie Valencia!"

Silver winced at the over-the-top praise, exchanging a look of exasperation with Beth.

"This hero worship is getting tiresome," Beth muttered, a hint of frustration weaving through her voice.

Ellie, however, seemed to thrive on the attention. A manic glint flickered in her eyes as she raised her Monsword.

"This victory is for you, Bibi!" she declared, her voice laced with a disturbing intensity. "Pixie! Bitroid transformation!"

With a flourish, she traced a circle with her Monsword, a magical sigil glowing into existence before her. A blinding flash of light erupted, revealing a shocking sight.

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