The Customer And The Waitress

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Dipper arrived at the diner and took his seat.He opened his journal and started chewing on his pen to think about what to write on one of the pages that were still blank.Pacifica spotted Dipper and went to him.

Pacifica:Hey Dipper.I knew you were going to be in town,but I didn't know you were going to be here.

Pacifica noticed that Dipper was distracted by staring at his journal and thinking about what to write on the page.

Pacifica:Um,Dipper?Did you even hear me?Ugh,never mind.Are you going to order something?

Pacifica noticed that Dipper was still distracted and didn't hear her.

Pacifica:Hello.Earth to Dipper for the third time.What are you gonna order?


Dipper was surprised and embarrassed about what he said.In his surprise,he jerked his pen from his face while his mouth held on to the end of it which caused it to break into two pieces and the ink spilled on the blank pages and on the table.Dipper and Pacifica quickly blushed because of what Dipper.Dipper suddenly got up and became apologetic while Pacifica hid her face because she didn't want Dipper to see her blush.

Dipper:I'm really sorry.I wasn't paying attention.I like you,but I didn't mean to say what I said.Please forget what I said, please!

After she stopped blushing quickly, Pacifica just gave Dipper a handkerchief.

Pacifica:Here.You can clean up the mess with this.

Dipper:Thank you.I'll have a expresso. Sorry for the ink on the table.

Pacifica:It's ok.I'll go get your expresso.

Pacifica went to the kitchen and came back to the table with expresso.

Pacifica:Here's your expresso.

Pacifica placed the Expresso on the table.

Pacifica:By the way,is your journal ok?

Dipper:Yeah.I just need to tear off the pages that have the mess on them and rewrite what I was writing.

Dipper started to seem worried and Pacifica figured that it had to do with the ink that spilled on the pages.

Pacifica:Ok?I got other customers to serve.If there is anything else you need, you can just let me know,ok?

Dipper:Yep.Sure thing.

Pacifica went to serve other customers while Dipper tore off the pages that was stained with ink and threw the pages away before Dipper drank his expresso and rewrote everything that was written on the trashed pages.When Dipper was done with his expresso,he did the finishing touches on his pages and had successfully rewritten everything.He then got up and held out money he was going to use to pay Pacifica.Before Dipper could get Pacifica's attention,Pacifica already noticed him.

Pacifica:Wait,you're leaving already?

Dipper:Yeah,I finished my coffee.

Pacifica:Really Dipper?


Pacifica:C'mon Dipper,you can't pretend that what happened earlier didn't happen and just expect me to go with it.
I like you too and since we're both here talking about this,so are you going to ask me out on a date or should I be the one to do it?

Dipper started to get nervous and struggled to speak properly.


Dipper:I'm trying to find the right words.

Dipper said as he slightly blushed.

Pacifica:You can do it.

Dipper:Pacifica...will you have a date with me?

Pacifica:Yeah.Is six this evening good for you?

Dipper:Sure.Any place in mind?

Pacifica:We can just come here.Is that fine or do you want to go somewhere else?

Dipper:No.Here is fine.

Pacifica:Good.I better serve this before the customer gets impatient.I'll see you later.


Dipper wasn't sure that Pacifica heard him since she rushed towards her customer,but he was excited and he rushed to the shack.After entering the shack,Dipper saw Soos standing behind the counter while Mable was standing in front of it while on the phone with someone.

Soos:Oh hey dude.How was the diner?

Dipper:It was great.Hey Mable,guess what I'm going to be doing tonight.

Mable:Oh!Oh!Don't tell me.Are you going somewhere?

Dipper:Yep.Can you guess where?

Dipper asked with a smirk.

Mable:You're going to the diner.

Dipper:Yeah.Do you want to know why?

Mable:Ooh I don't want to guess any more!Just tell me!

Mable yelled in a enthusiastic tone.

Dipper:I am going on a date with Pacifica.

Mable:That's it?

Dipper was surprised by Mable's response.He kept in mind that Mable always wanted Dipper and Pacifica to date ever since she found out that the two had a crush on each other.

Dipper:What do you mean?You're not excited?You always wanted us to date when you found out I liked her.

Mable:Well I...

???:Mable?Are you there?

The person who Mable was on the phone with said.Dipper knew the voice sounded familiar,but before he could have a chance to recognize it,Mable quickly responded to the person on the phone.

Mable:Hey Pacifica!Dipper just got back and I had him think that I wasn't excited about the date.

Dipper blushed upon hearing that Pacifica was the one who Mable was on the phone with.

Pacifica:Oh,Ok.I should let you go cause my break is going to be over anyway.

Mable:Bye Pacifica and don't you worry. I'll make sure Dipper gets ready properly for the date.

After Mable ended the call with Pacifica, Mable grabbed Dipper's shoulders and shook him gently in excitement.

Mable:Pacifica told me how you asked her out.I am so proud of you and to think that you thought that I wasn't excited.

Dipper:Yeah.You got in me.

Dipper said in a nervous tone as he was nervous about the date.When five at evening came,Mable opened the door to her and Dipper's room.

Mable:Dipper,your date is an hour away. Ready to get ready?

Dipper:I was going to get ready when there was going to be a half hour till the date,but...

Mable:Come on,Dipper.


Dipper went to the bathroom and combed his hair.When he got out,Mable offered him a neat suit to wear at his date.

Dipper:Thanks Mable.This will do.

Dipper and Mable went to the living room where Dipper continued to wait for the right time to leave for his date.When it was nearly ten minutes until the date at the diner,Dipper got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

Dipper:Well,it's time to go on my date. See ya later.

Dipper walked out and started leaving. Mable ran to the door and waved at Dipper.

Mable:Bye Dipper!

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