Chapter one

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"You look like hell" MJ says as I walked into school

"I'm fine" she shakes her head at me she knows I'm lieing she always knows

"He hit you agian didn't he" I avoid I contact with her she knows the truth she sighs "does tony know"

"No we both know if he found out" she nods her head in agreement

"Hi babe" flash says I sigh I hate him I'm just afraid to break up with him

"Hi" right then Peter and Ned show up he spits on Peter I've always liked Peter just always to afraid to amid it when ever I get beat up he help me I guess I lost my mind because I get right up in flashes face and smackes him "we're done" he then hits me I hold my face

"We're done when I say we're done" he hits me again and again I strike back Mj and Ned hold back Peter flash dosnt get in trouble but when I hit him I get detinton and sent home

"You have five minutes to exsplain" my dad yells as he sits next to me in the principals office

Let me describe this moment in one sentence I'm screwed "flash has beeen hitting me"

"What" he yells more furious then he was before

"Today he spit in peters face I smacked him told him we were done he hit me kept hitting me I fought back but they won't do anything about it"

"Why" he asks crossing his arms

"Because he's the jock" he shakes his head

The principal comes back "here her work for the next two days"

"Thank you" he says to the principal then looks at me "come on kid" I stand up and throw my bag over my right shoulder the principal gives me a stare he's never liked me never will nothing new we get outside and I don't see the car

"Are we walking" I ask

"Yes" he says we get to the tower he hands me my homework I sit down on the sofa and take out a pincel and begin to work "if you need me I'll be in the lab" i finsh all my work with in an hour

"Tony told me what happened" cap says taking a seat next to me


"Are you going to do something about it"



"Because I don't want the whole school to hate me"

"You don't want to go back do you"


"Can I ask why"

"Because Mj will go off on him then a fight Ned we'll he can't run very fast so he doesn't have a chance"

"And Peter"

I blush when he siad his name "I don't want him to get in trouble"

"You like him"

"Yes and no I won't tell him" I thought he was going to ask why but he didn't

Instead he says "you can't avoid telling him forever he's a smart boy he's going to figure it out sooner or later"

"You're right but I can try" he shakes his head at that then gets up and leaves I sigh what if he's right what if everyone's right what if We're sapposed to be together what if I'm a loser a nobody what if the only people who care about me are dad and Peter I break down and start crying

"You kn-" Peter begins to say but then stops next thing I know he has his arms around me and his bag next to mine I start crying into his shoulder "hey hey it's ok it's ok" he repeats over and over

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