Chapter 4

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It's been 5 weeks since I've attempted suside I slowly getting better with the help of Peter for some reason it feels like winter I'm in jeans and a long sleeve shirt and Peter is freezing he has a lot I mean like 7 layers on oh did I mention the heat is broken in the tower and it's like 50 degrees out "if the heat dosnt get fixed soon I'm going to set myself on fire" Peter says pulling on yet anthor hoodie

"Can I join you" I ask

He laughs slightly then says "of course I don't want to burn to death by myself"

"We'll then come over here" I say as I walk out of the kitchen closer to the couch he gets up and walks over to me he puts his arms around my waist and smiles at me

"Hey kids-" cap says then pauses "sorry am I interrupting something" he asks we both quickly pull apart

"No you're fine" i then realize all he has on is his t shirt and pants "how are you not freezing Peter has 8 layers on and I'm getting ready to put my sweatshirt on and by mine I mean his"

"I was frozen in ice for 70 years" he says we both sigh

"Alright well I'm going to go steal peters sweat shirt"

"Can you bring me anthor one please" Peter asks

"Sure" I respond I go down in his room and put on his red one and bring up the black one "here" I say as I toss it to him now the whole team standing in the living room

"Oh Mj and Ned are going to be here in 30 minutes"

"Why are you making them suffer" I ask shivering

"Because if we get to suffer so do they" I nod in agreement

"Jeez it's freezing in here" Mj say's shivering

"I thought you said thirty minutes" I say looking at Peter

"I did you know I'm going to get another sweat shirt"

"No you already have on ten" Mj just looks at us like we're crazy

"Well becuae of the bite I can't stand cold like you can" I sigh then face palm

"You know you two argue like you're married" Mj says we both shacke our heads "anyway do you guys know why it's so cold it's July"

"I don't know" I say

"The heats broken" Buckley says

"We know" we all yell in unison

"We have a problem" Thor says storming in the room

"Besides the heat being broken"

"Yes I believe my brother is controlling the weather"

"What would Loki want with the weather" I ask

"To cause destruction" Thor says

"Alright everyone suit up Mj Zoe stay here" dad says shortly after that they leave

"I'm going" I say to Mj heading to the weapon room

"Are you crazy" she asks

"Yes" I say I hit a couple bottons and my suit appears the one dad has been building for years the one he's kept hidden he thinks I don't know about it but I do I step up into it and next thing I know I'm in the suit "here" I say to Mj as I toss her a gun

"What's this for" she asks

"In case you need it" i then walk off and head to the battle when I get there it's crazy there's not much left of what was there my dad sees me and flys over to me

"What are you doing here Zoe" he asks concerned

"I'm here to help" just then a blast from somewhere hits us

"I'll talk to you about this when we get home" he says flying off there's more and more fireing that's when I realize that it isn't Loki and his army it's some sort of device I see a rod of some sort sticking up off the ground I fly over to it and destroy it all the fireing stopped everyone stands still for a moment

Before Clint says "why did they stop fireing"

"Because I destroyed there sorce" I say they all look to where I'm standing then there's a big boom we all look at each other and without a second thought we go over there to see Loki doing something me and dad look at each other as everyone else gets the people out of there we then both stand in front of him and fire at him killing him but littler did we know he was the least of our problems someone snuck up behind me and mange to pull my mask off took a picture posted online I tried to him but it was to late then everything goes dark when I wake up I'm in a dark room tied to a chair still in the uniform "really again" I yell a man in

A HYDRA suit walks in with a knife "you know there are plenty of places I can stab you before you bleed out" the man says running his finger along the side of his knife "so I must ask where is you're mother oh and don't worry your suit won't protect you" great

"Go to hell" I yell at him he walks over and takes off my suit then stabs me in the shoulder I try not to scream but I couldn't help it it hurt so bad

"Ok then I'll ask again where is she"

"You know I must say this is a nice torture room and all but I want you to know that I'm not telling you anything" he gives an evil laugh then stabs me in the leg I try not to scream but again I fail I then see my mother behind him "you might want to turn around" I say

He looks behind him "hi" she says then nicks him out she cuts my lose

"Why didn't you kill him" I ask supprised

"Because I promised fury I wouldn't now let's get you to the tower your dad is rebuilding a suit for you in case you wanted to know" she then helps me up and helps me walk we incunter a few gaurds along the way but she nicks them all out when we get to her small plane she lays me down in the back she goes to the front "try to stay awake back there while be there in ten minutes" she yells

"I don't know if I can" I say

"Yes you can"

"Where are the avengers" i ask

"Cleaning up the mess at the battle also I was the one closest to you so I took my plane and came here figured we'd need an air lift" she notices I'm quite "tell me about Peter he seems like a nice boy" she's just saying that to keep me talking but at least she's trying

"He is nice he's also sweet he hates the cold he was bite by a radioactive spider and became spider man sometimes I forget then his senses go off or he mintutions my fast heart beat"

"Well are you into anything any sports or hobbies"

"Im a bit of a news junkie and i love history" she doesn't say anything other then

"We're here" she helps me up and gets me to the infermry  when I get there dad and Peter are both in there she helps me into the bed

"Are you still mad at me" I ask as banner walks in and gives me something for the pain before he starts stitching me up

"About what the suit or the fact that you have Mj a gun and she almost took peters head off" Yup he is definitely mad

"I'm sorry about the suit"

"It's fine I'll build you anthor one and one more thing people now know about the suit so I guess I don't have a choice but for you to join the team"

"Really" I ask excitedly he nods

"Calm down and stay still" banner says as he works on my shoulder dad just smiles and nods his head

"You also did good out there we probably wouldn't have figured that out without you" then both him and Diane walk out Peter walks over to me and smiles

"You did great today"

I smile back then say "so did you" we would have kissed but banner was just finshing the stitches on my shoulder once he finishes both my shoulder and leg he walks out I sit up and Peter smiles at me

"I'm glad you're ok" I don't say anything I just smile back

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