Chapter 3

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"Ok so you're my uncle and my mother is alive she used to be in charge of SHEILD before SHEILD became a a thing then she found out something HYDRA was into so she had no choice but to fake her death" I ask

"Yes" fury says

"So now what" I ask

"You meet her" he says

"Wait you know where she's at" I ask

"Yes" he says then walks away

"Are you ok" Peter asks I stay silent he sits down next to me and puts an arm around me

"Zoe-" dad begins but I stop him

"It's fine I'm not mad" I say to him he looks like he doesn't believe it but I don't say anything

"If you wan-" Peter starts i know what he's going to say

"No me and dad will be fine" I give him a weak smile he doesn't return it instead he just nods his head

"Are you sure you want to do this kid" dad asks

"No not really" he laughs then goes silent as fury walks in with a women about my dad age she has black hair and looks like hell looks like she just got out of a fight she's also wearing all black

"Names Diane fury and I'm your mother and who are you" she asks pointing to Peter who's terrified

He stands up and takes his hand out for her to shake it she crosses her arms and he drops his hand "I'm Peter Parker Zoe's boyfriend" she just nods her head looking angrier then ever

"Why don't you sit down" dad asks her

"I'm fine standing" she says coldness in her eyes and voice "I take it you want to know why HYDRA wants me it's because I'm a bigger threat to them then the avengers"

"Why" I ask she lets out a cold smile colder then flashes and far more colder then the devil himself

"Because they know im the only thing that can tear them to the ground and that's why they want you" she says the looks at fury and says " I need to go it's good seeing you again Tony" then they both leave

Peter looks back then at dad and says "that woman scares me"

"Same" dad says we all stay silent for awhile he gets up and leaves leaving me and Peter by ourselves I smile at him and squeeze his hand i go to my room get the knife out of my draw look the bathroom door and cut into my wrists both of them it hurts but it's easyier to die than to live I lay down on the floor and let the blood flow out of my wrists until I get drowsy I don't fight sleep I give in and let myself die I just couldn't take any of it anymore so I gave into the grief the sadness I listened to flash he told me I should die so I guess that's what he did he controlled me up to my last breath I open my eyes and I see Peter

"Why didn't you let me die" I ask

"Because I don't know what I would do without you and your father would be lost" I smile at him then let it drop he gives me a worryed look "why did you do it"

"Flash alway told me I'm better off dead and he's right I feel like no one cares I mean my mother faked her death fury's my uncle dad is dad and you I just don't want to mess this up" I break down crying he puts his arms around me as I fall apart

"You arnt no matter what they say if something were to happen to you let's face it we would all die from being crazy with in an hour" I don't say anything I just let him hold me

"I'm sorry" I mumble

"Don't be it's not your fault" he says he then lets me go i then lay back down on the bed

"Peter how is she" dad asks as she walks in

"I'm awake" i say answering for Peter

"You almost died and also lost a lot of blood if Peter didn't come in when he did you would have died"

"Dad I wanted to die" I don't know who looked more hurt dad or Peter

"We can get you help" dad says I don't agree nor disagree

I just say "ok" Peter takes my hand and squeezes it I don't squeeze back

"Mr stark is it ok if I sleep with her tonight not not like that just to make sure she doesn't do anything"

"That's fine but door open the whole time and If she does anything alert FRIDAY" he nods his head when we get to my courtiers he sits me down then pulls out my pjs a pink to and blue shorts "I'm going to stand out in the hall"

"Can you help me I don't know if I have the strength"

"Uh yeah sure let's get you to the bathroom" he helps me take my shirt off the he puts on the pink on he does the same with my pants "alright let's get you to bed" he says he helps me in the bed then goes to the chair

I look at him and just study him "is everything ok" dad asks as walks in

"Yes we are just getting settled in" Peter says

"I can get you a cot or something"

"No I'm fine"

"Night Peter night Zoe" he turns out the lights and I just lay there looking at Peter Until I fall asleep when I wake up he's not there I just lay there not wanting to get up but I push myself anyway I make myself get up I go over to my dresser and put on a stark inderstus shirt and some shorts I then put on peters sweat shirt that he left in here last night I bearly make my way into the bathroom

"There you are" Peter says as he walks in he takes my brush and gently brushes my hair as I lean against the sink "ok so you want to brush your teeth" he asks I take my tooth brush and put tooth paste on it my hand shacking the whole time I bring it up to my mouth and brush my teeth once I finsh he makes me go up stairs and into the living room he sits down and I rest my head on his shoulder he puts his arm around me and holds me even when dad walks in and gives us a look he ignores it and soon I feel better safe and like I'm not worthless

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