𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦? 𝘱𝘵.2

261 6 1

U don't have to play that it's jus wha I was listenin to while writing this chap. :>


I was nervous asl but really excited to go on a date with Tanaka. He seemed really sweet. I honestly don't think this will go anywhere considering I just broke up with my ex but I'm willing to go out with Tanaka kinda like a friend thing.

When I got finished picking an outfit I put on some light makeup and some shoes and waited for Tanaka to text me.

I went to the bathroom to fix anything that needed it. I put on a black lace that I stole from Komori a week ago and did my edges.

When I went downstairs I saw Komori on FaceTime with someone. I looked over the couch to see her talking to a really pretty girl with glasses.

I just minded my business and walked away.

I got a text from Tanaka saying he's outside.

Hey beautiful
I'm here.
ʀᴇᴀᴅ 4:15

A/n: OH so apparently in my last chapter I didn't put that y/n sent her address 😃 to Tanaka but jus pretend she did I'll fix it later 😭.

Uh i don't think I'm
at the right house ..
You don't have a lion in your backyard do you..

Change of plans 😃
I am ALMOST here!

I giggled at the text Tanaka had sent and waited on the couch with Komori

I soon got another Text from him leading me to get up.

"Bye Komori!" I said opening the front door.

"Don't fuck up.." was all I heard before I closed the door.

I walked outside to see Tanaka leaning on his grey car scrolling on his phone.

When he looked up he was cheesing like a mad man.

3𝘳𝘥 𝘗𝘖𝘝

"Hey beautiful!" He walked over to the passenger side with me and opened the door for you.

You sat down as Tanaka walked over to his side and started the car.

"You ready for the best day of your life?" He asked getting comfy about to pull off.

"Yep" you said while laughing at his statement.

He pulled out your driveway then headed to the location you were going to.

Tanaka ended up taking you guys to a nice restaurant with an amazing view of the ocean.

He quickly got out the car and ran over to your side to open the door for me.

"The feast awaits my lady" Tanaka said with a goofy accent and bowed with his hand out for yours.

You giggled at him and took his hand.

You guys walked hand in hand into the restaurant and sat where you can see the ocean the best.

You sat and waited to order.

"So that little dude Noya was one of the best players on you guys team?" You questioned listening to Tanaka rant about his friend.

"Yup. One of the best. Honestly if he could he would definitely be the captain" He said with a proud look on his face.

The rest of the time you ate and laughed. It was kind of relaxing having this time with someone after the brake up.

When you guys finished eating and paid, Tanaka took you over to the beach that was near the restaurant and you guys took a bunch of pictures.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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