In California

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You and you friend land in California you both got hungry and went to a restaurant to eat...

Riley- Thank you so so much for taking me to California I love you so much.

Maise- Oh My God of course.. wanna eat here?

Riley- Yea we can eat here.. I'm too hungry to eat somewhere else.

You both Walk in and you swear to God you see Ace Akers looking at you... You also see Jacob day looking at Y/F/N and Ace can't keep his eyes off of you, so you start looking at him and he immediately looks away. You and your friend sit down at the table right next to the boys and you have the sudden urge to go bathroom...

Riley- I gotta go bathroom so bad I'll be right back!

Maise- Oh okay!

You run to the bathroom and you hear Ace saying he needs to go bathroom loud enough so your able to hear him and you start to get nervous because both the men and women's bathroom are currently in use then you see a bench as you sir down and you felt a presence sit down right next to you, you look and you see Ace looking at you up and down then he started talking to you...

Ace- How are you?

Riley- uhhh... I'm good how about you?

Ace- That's awesome to hear.

Riley- Yea I guess it is, to be honest with you, I just got over a break up like 4 months ago caught him cheating on me, I never expected my ex to do this to me!

Ace- That idiot didn't deserve you at all I mean look at you your so beautiful.... OH and Happy Birthday!

Riley- Thank you so mu- wait... How did you know it's my birthday today??

Ace- Are you kidding! Your like fucking famous!

Riley- Yea I guess I am i just never go on social media or any shit like that.

Ace- Well... If you want to talk to anyone you can talk to me, Here take my number!

Riley- Oh uhm okay...

Ace- OH and there's also a party tonight and I want to invite you... That's only if you want to come with me??

Riley- Yea of course I would love to come!

Ace- Okay that's awesome! Well I'll see you tonight!

Riley- Yea I'll see you tonight!

Ace- I'll pick you up at 7:30 tonight?

Riley- Yes! That's perfect!

You were very surprised and very happy because you always liked him even while you were dating your ex but you only started liking Ace when you found out your ex was cheating on you... (fast forward to when you and Y/F/N left the restaurant bc I'm really lazy and it's also 3:00 a.m in irl)

Riley- Food was amazing thank you!

Maise- of course anything for a good friend, and guess what!

Riley- What?!


Riley- Omg that's awesome, I GOT ACE AKERS NUMBER!!!

You both start squealing like like little kids, then you both get a text from the boys...

           Ace Akers

Hey, you still down for tonight?

                                                                                       Uhm... Yeah ofc I am
                                                                         Can I also invite my friend?

Ofc you can can't wait to see you
Tonight I just you'll look beautiful
As always, have a good rest of your

                                                                                        Okay yeah you too!

                                     End of Convo

You and your friend both get in the car and get ready for the party for tonight and you both run into the hotel room and you did light makeup while she did heavier makeup, you got dressed in a nice white mini dress and clear heals, you and your friend were matching outfits you both knew the boys would drool over you because of hot you look, you were waiting for your ride with ace to get to the party when you got a text saying he was there to pick you up... you then tell your friend you ride was there you go down the hall and some guy came out and was looking at you ass but you just ignored it you kept walking and the guy grabbed you by your wrist and tugged you into his room and you started screaming for help....



Riley-NO I HAVE A BOYFRIEND (referring to ace ofc, he's not your boyfriend...yet)

You then kicked the guy in the balls which made him let you go so you ran of the door so fast you didn't even look back... You started slowing down and you then started walking out of the hotel entrance and you see Ace with a rose in his mouth and he looks at you and his jaw drops...

Ace- Wow! You looking absolutely stunning!

Riley- Thank You I appreciate it so much!

You guys get in the car and about 10 minutes of you guys talking he puts his hand on your thigh and you get butterflies in your stomach and he started trailing his finger up and down your thigh and he eventually saw how nervous you looked so he stopped training his finger up your thigh and he put his hand back on the steering wheel, but you carefully grabbed his hand and gently put it back on you thigh and then he started to smirk...You guys got to the party and you saw alcohol everywhere outside, you both went inside and you saw A few boys like Jackson, Eddie. Kristian, Vinnie, Bryce, Thomas, and Jack... When ace walked away to get some drinks vinnie started approaching you an you can tell he was wasted just by looking at him he then starts to talk to you...

Vinnie- Damn you look hot tonight I bet I can get some of you tonight huh?

Riley- Uhhh no you can't I'm sorry but you can get with Tabitha!

Vinnie- Fuck Tabitha I want you! Not her Im in love with you please give me a chance?!

Riley- Dude I said no besides i came her with Ace not you.

Vinnie- C'mon please I know you wan-

Ace - Dude c'mon she said no and besides your fucking wasted go sleep or something, or just go mess around with the guys please dude.

Riley- Thank you ace I appreciate it!

Ace- ofc and I have something upstairs for you follow me
Riley- Okay

You grabbed his hand and went upstairs you went down the hall into a nice room and he brought over to the bed and then he did something that shocked you....

Birthday- Ace Akers Where stories live. Discover now