getting distracted

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some mail hits the door of a lightish gray house.
Golfball leaves her studies upstairs with Tennisball.
"Hey where are you going GB? I thought we were studying!"
"Ill be right back TB!"
Golfball walks downstair to her front door, slightly opening it.
"Mail? I never usually get mail. Strange."
She started to rip the mail out of its plastic covering and brought it back upstairs.
the mail hits the table in GB's room where cards, books and papers sat.
"Lets read some of this, it could be interesting."
"Uh GB, we cant get distracted. We have to study for this final tes-"
GB puts her pointer finger on TB's mouth silencing him.
"Come on. Its just a few papers, plus what if it's important?"
"I suppose..."
pages flip..
"some of this doesn't make sense.. i don't understand"
"TB you have an IQ of _, how could you not understand some of this?"
"I mean, why would they put some of this stuff in here? Seriously? Playboy?
i didn't think we were old enough for that type of stuff GB.."
"Just because we are teen doesn't mean we are mature, besides its just a bit of
nudity. You can look away and we can continue or studies-"
the book slams shut.
"Well can we get back to to that then?"

A/N: hey guys thanks for reading uhm i might be opening requests
but i will not be doing smut because i am more comfortable reading
than writing it😭 its so embarrassing but anyways
thanks for reading love you all

tb and gb hanging outWhere stories live. Discover now