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Amelia woke up and frowned as she realised that fletch was up and that she was in bed alone. Amelia didn't know what was going on with them lately but she felt as if there was a strain on their relationship

She walked into the kitchen and looked to him and smiled "do I have anything to worry over?" Amelia asked as fletch turned to face her and smiled

"Of course not" he said as she looked to him and smiled 

"I just feel as if there is a strain. I feel as if things are hard between us and I don't want that. I mean we are having a baby after all" Amelia said

Fletch looked to her and sighed "I know they it's been hard but I am fine and there is nothing to worry over. I love you and we're having a baby and I am with you, you have to try and trust me" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

Amelia knew how it was a mess and it scared her. She knew how hormonal that she felt and she hated how tense that things were.

Fletch looked to her and sighed "I know what you are thinking but I can promise you that you are the one I want. We are together and we are having a baby and you have to trust me if we are going to do this" fletch said.

Amelia looked to him and smiled. She knew he was right and how paranoid that she felt

Amelia got to work and smiled as she saw on the ward and looked to see kenzie as she walked over to her and smiled

"Are you okay?" Kenzie asked as Amelia looked to her and smiled

"I guess so. Things are just hard at the moment you know. I just want things to work out with me and fletch but it is so tense and he is being weird" Amelia said as kenzie looked to her and smiled

"So? He is a man he is weird I know what you and your paranoid pregnant brain is thinking but I know you and I know fletch and I know that he wouldn't cheat on you. He is a good man" kenzie said

Amelia looked to her and smiled. Amelia knew that she was scared and worried and she hoped kenzie was right and that she was overthinking it all and she was being paranoid

Amelia stood in the doorway of fletch's office. She saw him as he sat looking at something which he hide as he saw her

"What's that" she asked as he walked over to her and grabbed her waist and smiled as he pulled her Close and kissed her

"Nothing for you to worry over" he said as he leant in and kissed her

"I thought that we could have lunch together" she said as he smiled

"Sure" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Amelia knew that he was hiding something from her and she was worried. She hoped that she had nothing to worry over and that he wasn't cheating on her but just what was he hiding?

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