Niall, the boy who showed me not all guys are the same

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Chapter one-


"Samantha!" I heard the voice getting closer, and closer. "Samantha. Get up! Your going to be late!" It was my mum. I looked at my clock. It read, 6:30. I threw the cover off of me, and jumped out of bed, "I'm up. I'm up."

As I made my way towards the bathroom, across the hall from my room. I saw a picture of me, and my boyfriend. John. It was sitting on the dark dresser, in a red and silver frame. We had been together for almost a year. Although non of my friends liked him. I was in love with him. Sure we had our ups- and downs. But, every relationship does. Right?

I walked into the bathroom. As I started the water, I walked over the black and silver stereo sitting in the corner of the pink glittery bathroom.

I hit play, and One Direction (The New British/Irish boy-band) started blasting out of the speakers. I am very dedicated to One Direction. I love them so much. My room is plastered with their poster's. (Mostly Niall)

I stepped in the shower, and began to sing. I love to sing. Ever since I was five- years old I have wanted to be a singer. From the moment I heard my very first song. To now. Singing is my passion. It's always been my dream, but my mum thinks I should do something better with my life. Like be a doctor, or a lawyer. She doesn't really Believe that I will be successful as a singer. Mum's are supposed to believe in you right?

I planted both feet on the fuzzy lime green rug outside of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body, and walked back into my bedroom. I pulled out the first drawer on my dresser and pulled out some cut off shorts. Then I pulled out the second drawer and grabbed a purple tank top. It had silver sequence on it. After I put them both on, I made my way over to the closet, and pulled out some black and purple Vans.

I finished getting ready, brushed my hair, and braided it to the side. I ran down the stairs, and walked into the kitchen. "Good-morning sweetheart." My mum, was sitting at the table drinking coffee, and reading the news paper. "Have you seen my-" My mum interrupted me, "Keys?, on the counter next to a bottled water, and a granola bar." She stood up, and kissed my forehead. "Have a good day darling, oh. And! After school your dad wants to see you." She took in a deep breath, and hugged me tightly. "I love you." I kissed her on the cheek, grabbed the things that she had placed on the counter for me, and headed towards the door... She called, "Oh, and By the way. Happy Birthday baby." I pulled open the door, and walked out.

I opened the car door, and got in. I laid my phone down, and opened up the granola bar. As I started chewing my phone rang. It read, 'Emma💙'. I quickly answered. With a mouth full of granola bar, I said "Hello." She laughed, "Hi, Samantha. Happy Birthday!" I lowered my head, "Thanks babe." She knew I didn't like the fact that today was my birthday. I have never liked my birthday. Today I was 17. "Are you going to pick me up?" Emma didn't have a car, so I usually picked her up, unless I rode my skateboard. "Yeah, I'll be there in a bit." I hung up the phone, and pulled out of the drive- way.


"Niall. Niall!" I had drifted off during re-hearsal. "Yeah?" I looked up at the other boy's. "Are you alright?" Louis placed his hand on my back. "Yeah, I'm fine Lou." I was happy that we we're back in Mullingar. My hometown.

"Okay, so let's run through this one more time?" I nodded. . .


... I pulled up in Emma's drive- way. As I rolled down the window, she went inside, and then came back out with a box, it was wrapped in blue, and green wrapping paper with a big silver bow on it. My head dropped, and I sighed. She made her way to the passenger door, and got in. "Happy Birthday Sam!" Then she handed me a pink envelope, with a card in it. "Em's you didn't have to do this. I know-" She held up the present. "Just open it!"

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