index and stuff

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Self Harm (TW)





Mental Health 

Suicide (TW)


Eating Disorders (TW)


Anything i didnt cover (possible TW)

Body shaming:

SA: (TW)

<3 <3 <3

plz remember to spread kindness! if you dont have anything to vent abt, other ppl do and it restores everyone's faith in humanity when you have something positive to say 

- foxglove <3


hey... its been a long time :)

 it's late at night here... im sorry i forgot to add a venting space for self harm, i'll do that after finishing this update. also, please, STOP replying with rude or random sh!t to other peoples vents. ive had to delete a LOT of comments, most from the eating disorder vent space. pretty much all of these comments are from baddiebossmeow1326, so please, kindly, stfu <3

UPDATE (again)

hi :) it's once again, late at night here.. but i have a few more things to add :) first of all, i'm going to be adding a vent space for sa since I realized that I forgot to before. Also, I'm going to be responding to (mostly) everyone's vents, however please please do not be upset if I don't respond to your vent.. there is a lot of vents and only one of me but I will try my hardest to get back to as many people as possible  <3 lastly, I've been finding a few negative comments here.. I've deleted all of them but to the prick who's being awful,  just stop. 

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