[23] The White House

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Liam tightens the rope that was holding my wrists together. He slightly pushes me forward. "Don't say anything and follow my lead unless you want us both dead" The older man warns me.

We're standing a few feet away from the gates where the guards reside. I nodded understanding what he said.

This is very unsafe. I am letting him tie my arms together and take me inside the white house. For all I know, he can kill me and no one would ever find my body. Chills go down my spine at the thought of dying at an old friend's hands. That is definitely not how I want to die.

Liam tapes my mouth shut and once he's done, he starts to push me to where the guard was standing. He tells him his full name, finishing with '#0197' and 'code 404' which I found strange but what else did I expect? It's not the worst thing that has happened. The guard in front of us presses a button causing the gate to slide open. It was a very short conversation but then again, there was nothing to say. We start walking on the stone trail that led up to the front door.

This seems too easy.. too easy. I have a bad feeling about this. I stop in my track as Liam accidentally bumps into me.

He raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Why'd you pause?"

I turn to face him.

"Right, the tape," He says gently removing it and throwing it aside.

"Liam... we walked right into a—"

Before I was able to finish my sentence, a lot of guards and policemen quickly surround us with guns in the air. There were about twenty-five men. This was definitely going to cost me everything.

"You know I didn't peg you as a traitor Liam" A female voice was heard and it was very familiar. We focus on the door, woman in a pink suit walks closer to us.

"You didn't peg me at all" He grins, a little less tense than he was. She rolls her eyes causing him to chuckle. "I betrayed Sebastian, what makes you think I wouldn't have done the same thing to you?"

"Well I am your fiancé"

I slowly move away from Liam. He looks over at
me. "Bash—"

"You are one crazy bastard"

Savannah smiles in amusement as she makes her way to me. She grabs my face forcefully looking at me in the eyes. "So he's the one you injected hm? He's cute and very young" She tells him later asking me, "how old are you kid?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business perra"

"You called me a dog?"

"I called you a bitch" I snicker watching her expression change to something more annoyed and frustrated.

She squeezes my face even tighter. I bring my knee up to her stomach kicking her back. She lets go of my face gripping her stomach. Before the men do anything about it, she brings her free hand up indicating them to stay still.

"Watching this pains me... you just kicked the president— a woman, you're going to get us killed" I hear Lucius exclaim.

"Well, where the hell were you?!" I whisper-yell.

"I was mad"


"Yeah, for just waltzing in the white house like a fucking dumb ass"

I roll my eyes at his comment.

"So do you need my help?"


After Savannah calmed down and relaxed from that kick, she speaks up again, "Liam kill him"

We both look at her with our eyes wide. "What?!" We yell loudly in unison.

"You heard me"

"But he's one of my latest experiments! I can't kill him! What is wrong with you?!" Liam asks as my world starts to become a blur.

"This project of yours is over, now kill him. He dies or you do"

Liam looks at me nervously but walks toward me anyways. My phone rings. Talk about timing. I don't pick up, instead, I look at him dead in the eyes with a try me expression. "Gun or no gun?" He asks Savannah with his eyes still on me.

"Do as you wish, just make it quick" She says walking back inside that huge house of hers. Everyone else stayed put watching us and that's when smoke starts covering the front lawn confusing everyone including myself. The smoke becomes thicker, covering more than just the lawn. Yelling is heard from a few guards but it becomes quiet soon after. Liam grabs a gun from his holster pointing it at my head with a 'don't move or I'll shoot two bullets into your skull.'

Gunshots are heard from a distance catching Liam off guard. He looks away from me and to the shadows hiding in the fog.

"They're buying you time! Hurry up inside idiot"

"Wait who's they?"

"The suicide squad" Lucius snickers.

And by suicide squad... he means the other four imbeciles who saw something was definitely off and like the idiots they are, they came to save my ass once again. I quickly sprint for the open doors hearing Liam call my name several times but I obviously ignore it.

"What am I looking for?" I ask Lucius while running down the empty hallway that soon was going to be crowded with law enforcement.

"A room labeled 404, restricted area"

404? Again? What's up with that? I mean what the hell is that supposed to be code for?

I hear footsteps come close so I run into a storage room nearby. I lock the door and sigh pressing my back against the wall. I look to my left noticing a big antique mirror.

Lucius was quick to appear. "That's so weird, this is supposed to be in room 404"

"The mirror? Why?"

"Well come find out"

I walk to the mirror looking at Lucius. "I don't get it"
"This mirror is a door, come touch it"

I hesitantly hover my hand over the mirror looking at him suspiciously.

"Come on, it won't kill you!"

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