CHAP. 1: Bustling Halls

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Ahh, the familiar spooky high school. A place where many roam, learn about many elaborate topics- no, correction, CHOOSE to learn about elaborate topics. This school is strange. There's no real rules. Just show up, and do whatever the hell you want. The bell DOES dismiss you, not the teachers. And all the students.. they somehow want to achieve young love. The monster prom quickly approaches, only leaving Oz, with 3 weeks left to woo their babe.

Oh yeah, who IS their babe?
Well, they've narrowed it down between a few options. Miranda's a nice girl and all, but she's not really all that much of their type. And besides, a few of their stupid goon buddies want her. It's obvious. And they don't really feel like fighting with them for her temporary love. With Polly, his ideal life isn't really getting drunk, high, and waking up 29 hours later to find themself stripped of all money, clothes, and hair. Doesn't sound all too fun. With Vera, they'd lose all money in their pockets quicker than this school can break health codes. Whether it be due to them not wanting her to leave, causing them constantly spoil her, or she robs him. In both scenarios, he's gonna end up dirt poor within the blink of an eye. Scott may be the strongest and largest guy in the school, and maybe even the hairiest, but they're not one for football. They'd probably get tackled and break their femur while trying to pick a football up. And besides, all brawn and no brains isn't really useful in the long run. They need something that he can stick with. And unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your perspective!), that's why their options are between two monsters. Liam and Damien.
Liam is a bright vampire, who's outer exterior being rough and rude covers up him really just being a dork on the inside. And Damien has a chaotic personality, having a loving desire for all things messed up and flame engulfed.
But let's be honest, Damien's not his best option. Sure, he's a hot demon guy, but the chaos he adorns like a badge of honor on his chest is.. chaotic. They'd much rather just stick with that vampire. That little purple guy.

The highschool's outer walls were shining from the sun, a nice glow illuminating the inner rooms. Revealing tables, and chairs. A simple library in a tower next to the building. A truly perfect highschool, judging by looks alone. But if you were to enter, you'd see things you'd never think you'd see in a HighSchool.

The first bell wrung out through the halls. Looks like school just started. People flooded the halls. Including 3 of the most popular star students.
Scott was of course one of the first, along with his football team. They all seemed to be chatting loudly about miscellaneous things, all seeming so hyper and upbeat for it being so early morning. Along came Liam, being the physical embodiment of coolness. He was infact so cool, that he didn't even bother to enter the halls. He just stood in the entrance, blocking all flow of students there, being very very cool. And everyone thought that was very cool. If you don't think it's very cool, you're wrong. And of course, Miranda arrived after the other 2 star students, also seeming quite awake and chipper for someone who's awake at 8 am.  Maybe it's just fish logic. Maybe it's just fanfic logic.

The halls were quickly bustling with students, who were chatting about random stuff. The monster prom, random tidbits about TV shows they watched, the upcoming robot invasion. Stuff that happens. Stuff like that. Lockers were slammed, people were slammed into their lockers, lockers were slammed into people. Normal things. Eventually, Liam finally made his way over to his locker. Staying dead silent as he switched out some of his textbooks. Miranda hummed some weird sounding gurgled upbeat tune, but it doesn't really matter. Finally, a protag entered. Except the protag isn't exactly.. well, popular.

Oz finally entered the building hastily, doubling forward as they quietly gasped for air. They seemed very panicked as they looked up at the big clock on the back wall. They sighed in relief. Phew, guess they weren't late. I mean, wouldn't that be obvious? Didn't school like, just open? Just start? They definitively have a decent 5 minutes AT THE LEAST to get to wherever they want to go. But who cares? This school is so messed up that nobody knows the correct rules / times for EVERYTHING. At the same time Oz entered, a flaming portal to hell appeared in the opposite door way, and out came Damien. His hands were shoved in his pockets. For some reason, all of the school girls squealed over him, immediately crowding around him. Guess red demons are really attractive here. Damien is the main prom interest for most people at this school. All the little single women want him horribly, and some of the other single men (and even taken men.) glance at him lustfully. Liam saw this, and scoffed. Annoyed. He can't be a popular guy with a nice Monstergram with Damien hogging all the attention. Damien laughed loudly, seemingly loving the attention as always. But he needs more, he needs to do something big. So of course, his first instinct was to turn around, and grab Oz by the back of the shirt, dangling them like a cat by the scruff. Oz seemed surprised, and quickly looked between Damien and the crowd. Damien seemed to be thinking of something. Because of course he's gonna cause chaos in the first few minutes of school! What else is he gonna do?

"How much do you wanna bet that I can'..TUH, throw this twerp about.. let's say 8 feet across the hall." Damien snarled, making sure to yell. The girls all quickly squealed out in joy, and started shouting bets on if he could do it or not.
"I bet 10!"
"I bet 100!"
"I bet my boyfriend!" All the girls cheered as the pulled out their wallets, and that as that one girl dragged in her boyfriend. However, Damien took all of this betting the wrong way. His eyebrows furrowed, looks like all the girls took the betting wrong! They accidentally bet against him in an obsessive stance. I MEAN, he did add that "tuh" noise a bit late.

"Are you assuming I.. CANT throw this guy? YOU REALLY WANNA SEE?!" Damien shouted. The crowd tried to quickly correct themselves, stammering over their words, but it was too late. Damien started winding up his throw, with Oz in his throwing hand. Uh-Oh! Looks like they might die? What could they possibly do to save themselves from inevitable doom?

- Turn the girls into bowling ball pins. What kind of man doesn't want to throw someone at bowling ball pins?
- "Oh, Damien. You know you don't want this. This isn't you...Look at me! Let me help you..." and tuck his hair behind his ear.

Oz, of course, isn't stupid, and decides to attempt to replicate the first. All of the girls suddenly turn into inanimate objects. Lined up bowling pins. because OF COURSE the true embodiment of fear can do that! Damien's annoyed snarl quickly faded into a sinister grin. A strange glint to his eyes, as he slowly looked down at Oz.
Looks like he has an idea.

He quickly crumpled and balls Oz up into a ball, because who needs logic? And throws Oz violently across the hall. Oz bounces off of the back wall, and comes bouncing back. Quickly crashing through the girl bowling ball pins. They all fall. Looks like Damien got a strike! Liam stands there, starting his idle animation that consists of scoffing, rolling his eyes, and looking away to bury his nose in a book. But enough about Liam, back to the main situation.
"STRRRRRRIKE!" Damien hollers, throwing his hands up into the air, before the Oz ball quickly bounces up into Damien's stomach, knocking them both to the floor. The Oz ball hastily uncrumpled, and froze. Damien also seemed to have froze. He quickly came to his senses. Oz seemed to have landed on top of Damien. Of course.
"..WHAT THE HELL?? Get off me, dude!" Damien shouted, as he casually shoved Oz off of him and onto the floor, leaving Oz family guy death posing. Oz may be bleeding out, being left with multiple broken bones, and probably permanent head trauma, but that little moment seemed to have changed their life. Seems that their quick thinking saved their life! LITERALLY!
Oz gained +2 BOLDNESS, and +1 CREATIVITY

But on topic, Ouch! Maybe all that damage Damien just caused Oz to go through is a sign from the Monster Prom gods to try to date someone else! Since all that damage might just continue? Or is it? Or will it? That's not important right now! They still have what, 3 weeks left? Not important right now!They can focus on the monster prom that's approaching fast LATER! He's more focused on his surrounding areas.Oz finally stands up, after a long while of laying on the floor in agony. How long were they out? 5 minutes? 3? Liam sighed, annoyed. Too much for being a few minutes into the school day. He adjusted his glasses to fit his face decently again, turned around, and decided to make his way to class. Being late to being early is just so un-cool, I guess.
Oz looked up at the clock, 2 minutes until he's late to being EARLY to class. Oh no! Being so caught up in that red demon boys random shenanigans made Oz late to being early to class! What a shame! Even though Oz doesn't even need to go to class, since there's about 5 other things to do, and the rules of this school make it so class is optional. But let's be honest, they might catch a glimpse of Liam in class. WINK! And they feel like learning something after losing most of your memories from that pure head trauma Damien just put them through. Guess Oz might as well make their way there.

(He's the physical embodiment of fear, who said they can't turn people into bowling ball pins?)

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