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The little Alice tied her long blond hair in a bun, before brandishing her wooden sword toward an imaginary opponent, before yelling with her cute and high pitched little girl's voice:

-Yaa ! Don't worry Maria ! I"ll protect you ! 
The said Maria, Alice's cousin, was chuckling behind her.

-But Alice , aren't pirate supposed to be bad guys ? She asked. 

-But Maria, I read in a book a pirate who was a good guy ! Just like Robin Hoods, He was stealing to the rich , to give to the poor ! Let's burn the Rich ! Exclaimed Alice, swaying her fake sword in front of her.

Maria raised an eyebrow, a little bit confused:
-Erm...Aren't we...part of the rich ? 
She wasn't that wrong. The garden they were playing in was the garden of a mansion, the mansion of the family Robotnik. A bloodline mainly made of scientist, physicist, biologist or doctors. Their level of life was, let's say, more than comfortable.

Alice giggled before answering:
-Well... Let's burn the other rich then ! And we'll give a part of our wealth to the poor, and the wealth we stole ! 

Alice and Maria's little pretending game quickly met an end, when someone called Alice. 
She knew it was her mother, and she could already hear, that as usual, she was mad.
The little girl swallowed her saliva before turning around, now facing her mother, to which her face was deformated by anger and disgust.
-Can't you stop your nonsense ?! Yelled the mother, brutally grabbing her daughter by the wrist. Look at your dress ! It's all stained and damaged ! and your knees are full of bruises  ! Ladies don't play with swords ! She kept adding, almost screaming in Alice's ear.

-But Mom ! I don't wanna be a lady, I wanna be a pirate ! Or at least a sailor ! Squealed the little girl, trying to get out of her mother grasp. 
The Mother started to boil from the inside before slapping her daughter. the sound of the slap resonnated in the garden, followed by a very heavy silence, before the mother broke the said silence, with a very cold tone:

-Alice, first, I told your to call me mother. You aren't one of these peasents. Secondly, women can't be pirates or sailors. So stop your nonsense. 
She then left the two children , in this very heavy atmosphere.

Maria slowly raised her gaze to her cousin's face, who was still holding her now red-ish cheek.

-Alice...Are you...Alrig- Maria got interrupted, as Alice quickly answered her question by breaking into tears. She grabbed the bottom of her dress and started to tear it apart.

-I don't wanna be a girl anymore ! I don't wanna be a stupid Lady ! I hate her ! I won't be a Lady ! Never! Do you hear me ?! She yelled before letting herself fall onto her knees, already bruised. 
Maria got closer, and hugged Alice, but stayed silent. She didn't knew what to say, she just wanted her to know that she was there for her. 

Freedom of the endless horizon (Sonic Pirate AU)Where stories live. Discover now