Chapter Two

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 "It's rather frustrating you won't be around much this year, Oliver," Trent grumbled as the two walked down the hall towards the library.

"I know, I'm pretty disappointed about it too. I didn't really have much of a say," he adjusted his tie. "Whatever free time I do find myself having, I'll be sure to come and find you."

He sighed, "I just thought we'd get to hang out more. It feels like we got here after hardly speaking all summer, and now we're being pulled apart. You're off to go do some fun adventure in the Hospital Wing, and I'm? What?" he threw his hands up, "I'm just here wandering the halls alone."

"That acting class your mum found for you has really given depth to your moaning, Trent." Oliver chuckled as the two turned the corner and entered the library. A few scattered students were inside, though most had a class this hour. Trent followed Oliver as he walked up to Madame Pince, who was standing at her desk.

"What is it we're here for again?" Trent whispered to him.

"Shh!" Madame Pince harshly blew against her finger, keeping her voice quiet, "What is it you need?"

Oliver moved closer to the desk and whispered, "I need access to the restricted section on behalf of Madame Pomfrey."

Madame Pince leaned back and raised a brow, "Oh?" she pondered before nodding to Trent, "And your friend?"

"He's just keeping me company."

"If you have your pass, I'll grant you entry, not him." she stuck her hand out and motioned for him to give her something, "Come on, now."

Oliver dug into the pockets of his robes and pulled out a slightly wrinkled piece of parchment. He smoothed it out on the surface of the desk before handing it to Madame Pince. She took the parchment and examined it, holding it mere inches away from her eyes. Tracing the ink with her finger that read Madame Pomfrey's signature, she turned her attention back to Oliver and pointed towards a roped-off area of shelves. "I'll take you there now." she glared at Trent. "Stay put, Mr. Laywood."

Madame Pince lead Oliver to the restricted section and let down the rope, allowing him inside. He started scanning the shelves, attempting to locate the very specific book that he was sent there to grab. It was an odd book that he hadn't considered to be of importance until now - "The Medical Care of Muggles" he read aloud as his eyes located and locked onto a brown leather-bound book on the top shelf. He turned, tugging over the step ladder, and climbed up, pulling down a dust-covered tome from above. As he brushed away the layer of age with his sleeve, the correct title was revealed to him. "Perfect."

Dismounting the ladder, he showed the cover to Madame Pince before handing her the book. She then took the book and brought it back to her desk, where she began the process of preparing it to be taken from the library. She waved her wand over the book, silently mouthing words. After a moment, she handed the book back to Oliver with a simple instruction, "Do not take this out of the castle."

"I'll bring it straight to Madame Pomfrey," he assured her while turning to Trent, who had his head lying on his folded arms on the table, assumingly asleep. He quietly tapped on his shoulder, which sent his head flying up.

"What?!" he yelped in a daze.

"SHH!" Madame Pince violently whispered at Trent.

The two gathered their things and left the library, headed in the direction of the Hospital Tower. Trent glanced at the book tucked under Oliver's arm, "So what is it for, then?"

Oliver tapped the spine and grinned, "It's a whole book about taking care of Muggles and their medical ailments. Wizarding medicine and Muggle medicine are apparently pretty different. There are some things even Madame Pomfrey doesn't fully understand, that's where this comes in."

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