The Last Week of Candy- Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“Candy!” Christopher waved as I made my way up the stairs to Clearwater High. My heart sunk, what did he want? It took every ounce of courage I had to turn around and face him.

I stared up at him, his deep blue eyes pierced mine, and I shuddered. He was there yesterday in the hall; he saw how much nobody liked me. Why was he still talking to me?

“I was looking for you after school but I couldn’t find you.” He was looking for me?

I looked down at the ground, too afraid to look up at him. “I left, remember?”

He just shrugged, “Oh well.”

I turned around to walk out towards the school entrance, but he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

“What’s wrong?” Chris asked; his face full of concern.

“I’m sort of an outcast here Christopher.” I sighed, it was better he knew now than later, but I thought he already knew.

"I’ll say, your way more beautiful than anybody here.” Chris chuckled, “No wonder they hate you. 

I forced myself to peel my eyes away from the ground. Beautiful? He thought I was beautiful? I looked up at him trustingly, but I didn’t know what to say so my eyes just dropped to the ground once more.

“Listen,” Chris started, “since we are both equally lonely, I was thinking we could go to dinner after school tomorrow?”

He caught my attention; he was staring down at me eagerly, almost as if he was expecting a no. I felt my heart begin to pound out of my chest, was he serious? The only thing I had heard throughout my life was hatred words and insults. I could hardly breathe as a smile grew across my face, but no words would come out. I just stood there and nodded, Chris matched my smile.

“Cool, talk to you later.” He grinned and headed out towards a group of friends.

I found my self barely able to reach a near by bench and sit down. I still couldn’t breathe.

“Uh are you ok?” Kristen came over concerned, making me jump.

I looked up at her gleefully, unable to force away the smile on my face.

“What happened? Tell me!” Kristen urged, taking a seat next to me, curiosity spread across her face.

“Christopher.” Was the only thing I could manage to speak, my heart was still racing, his eyes still had my stomach doing somersaults.

Kristen’s eyes widened even more, her smile gaping at me. “What he do! Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

“He asked me out.” I gleamed. Kristen cheered and gave me an overwhelming hug, almost causing me to fall backwards.

I composed myself and my body grew warm. It had been so long since I had been so happy, since Kristen had been so happy.

The bell interrupted my thoughts and I stood up, saying my goodbyes to Kristen as I walked back up the stairs into high school, I was set on not letting anyone ruin my mood, not even Lacey.

I headed down the hallway into Geography, still mad at myself for missing yesterday, especially after all that happened.

I walked into the classroom and took a seat in the very back. Mr. Peterson, our geography teacher, was actually pretty cool and lets us sit where ever we wanted; I tended to stray towards the back, as usual.

As Mr. Peterson began instructions I hurried to keep up, I was already behind in his class and I didn’t want to fall any further, I was too determined to pass.

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