The Last Week of Candy- Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I maneuvered quickly between peers, determined to get to class. I started to relax when I realized that the bell had rung a short moment ago and I was already almost to my second period class. There was no way I was going to be late.

As the classroom door grew closer, I felt my heart beating faster and faster. Second period had to be my worst class out of the day. I just had to be assigned to a seat right next to Hannah and Brandon. They tortured me in that class. And they always got everyone else to join. It was torturous.

The halls fluttered with rushing students, and the constant noise of the care free ones standing in the hall talking.

I ignored my concerns and went into the class room. The change in scenery always made me look twice. Out in the hall most of the lighting was from the windows so the area was a light blue hue, but in the class room the huge florescent lighting made the classroom look yellow.

Everyone stared at me as I walked in, I was happy only a fourth of the class had seated. I would feel extremely uncomfortable if the whole class was staring me down.

I slid into my seat in the far back corner. It would be the ideal seat for me if I didn’t have a view of Brandon’s head or Hannah right next to me to bug the shit out of me.

“Hi Candy.”

I jumped and looked to see Hannah in her seat, grinning mischievously; I didn’t hear her come in.

I turned back around and faced the board. “Hi.” I mumbled, crossing my arms.  I glanced around quickly, I looked like everyone had gotten into there seats, Brandon sat down right in front of me, turning over to greet Hannah before pulling out his planner.

I had a huge crush on Brandon in seventh grade, and I was pretty sure he liked me too. I had a pretty good life until seventh grade; I was even friends with Madison and a few of the other people who despise me now. But then Lacey moved to Charleston and stole all my friends and turned them against me, she later then stole Brandon. I always assumed that’s why she had targeted me, because I was in the way of her fascination with him. But she ruined my life for nothing; she lost interest in him after a couple months.

Mrs. Carp, my geography teacher, immediately started droning on about something and I zoned out. One good thing about my seat was I could easily stare out the window.

“What the heck is all over you?” Hannah said snobily, making me snap back into reality.

Brandon started quietly laughing immediately, I blushed in embarrassment.

“Lacey threw coke on her.” Brandon explained, still chuckling gleefully.

“Ew…” Hannah rolled her eyes and shifted farther away from me in her seat like my jacket was going to run out a eat her.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the window. I grabbed at my left wrist, tugging the sleeve up more. The last thing I need is another conversation like the one this morning.

I sighed and watched a bird fly to its nest. The sky was a bright shade of blue and not a single cloud. I rested my head on my hand and stared out the window.

“Ms. Hanson!” I heard my name screamed.

I turned my head up quickly, breaking out of my trance. I saw Mrs. Carp standing there angrily while everyone else snickered.

“Glad you finally decided to join us.” She hissed sarcastically.

I blushed and ducked my head down, pretending to read my junior class geography book along with everyone else. I had no clue what we were doing.

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