Sweetest Illusion

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Some say love takes time, others say it is a sudden flood of emotions, but ours? It wasn't fast or slow, but it wasn't sudden either. When we first met, we were both juniors, falling in line for our daily 5:30 am opening ceremony.

It was our third day of class, I was struggling with singing with others for I have not yet memorize our school rhyme. Coincidentally, so does he. According to our adviser all the students who haven't memorized the rhyme will be punished therefore I tried coughing whenever I don't remember the lyrics, however a student, a boy on the next line to ours started copying me. Hence, we were caught by the instruction and curriculum coordinator of our school, miss Astoria. (also my adviser) She probably thought the boy and I were working together so she punished us together including the 30 minutes horror of a lecture.

"It's not hard to memorize the school rhyme, it's a little effort to give respect to our school. I am hoping next week, when I both called for you here in the faculty you can recite the rhyme with clarity and no more coughing." Then she gave us a task, we were asked to help sir Aboldano with the newly delivered books. We helped him in assembling the books in a chronical order. It was nice, actually. I found some interesting books I might borrowed (I was not allowed at that time) sir Aboldano said that students were allowed to borrow books starting next week after we list them all first.

In that month, he and I spend 1 week inside the library sorting out books and listing them. In the end, for I have become so attached to the place I asked sir Aboldano if I could work here for some time in exchange for some extra credits. It took yet another 1 week to convince sir Aboldano, the principal, and some coordinators because a library assistant (specially a student) wasn't really a thing until we brought it up. It was an exciting experience now I'm thinking back at all.

Back then I almost give up since it felt so far away, the good thing is he have a car we both can use, then finally, we reached the end of the dark tunnel. Ever since then we've been close, some stuffs happened then after 2 and a half months of interacting the both of us are dating. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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