Different realms angst also fluff ⚠️ spoiler for episode 21 king tide

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This is my first time doing angst so it might not be that good


I was doing human stuff and trying to figure out if we could recreate the door from the human realm but there was no way I'm not going to be able too see my dad and.......MATTY I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THEM THEY ARE GOING TO BE SO WORRIED I TOLD THEM TOO WAIT FOR ME AT THE GRAVEYARD oh no oh no no no but I can't do anything about it so I might as well have fun here

Mattholomule POV

I was waiting for Gus at the graveyard for 3 days Boscha never got a sigel so they where fine so then they started to bring me food and then I left I was scared because I heard this blue and yellow skin captured king I was worried for Steve but I wanted to see go talk to that person but as I was going to the empire covens castle I saw Gus,willow,amity and luz egg palismen's Gus palismen was so happy to see me that she jumped right into my arms I grabbed all the palismen and gave them too Boscha and they ran too base to put them back except Tamy Gus palismen's she wanted to help me so I agreed I could understand her and I was okay with that right know and I ran too the yellow and blue skin kid
collector: "hello you look interesting I'm collector" matty: "I'm mattholomule what are you doing with king"
collector: "he lied to me and he was a fake friend"matty: "I understand people lie too you some are fake friends I know that more then anybody but you just got find the right person so how about you let go of king and then we can be friends"
collector: "you promise" mattholomule: "I promise" collector let go of king and I caught him matty: "hey did you see a human a illusions a boy with a scar and blond hair also a girl that had blue hair also green and a girl with light purple hair" collector: "yes they went into the human realm door" I went up to it and grabbed the door and told to collector to follow me and we went to the base and told Boscha about collector and told collector and king where they could stay and talked to collector for a bit and I went to my room I put the human realm door outside and went to my room and started to have a panic attack
matty: "what if I'm not able to fix the door what if I never see Gus again I promise Gus if you get back to the boiling Isles I will confess my feelings" and then I get up and start to see what the door could be open it

Time skip

I was looking at the door and collector came out collector: "good morning" matty: "hey do you know how too open the door" collector explained how the door worked and I thank him and went inside too make Bosch,collector and king breakfast and went back to looking at the door Boscha: "hey you should be getting sleep" Matty: "yeah your right but for know I'm going to fix the door then sleep" Boscha looked sad but they nodded and left I started to work on the door

Mattholomule didn't sleep for two weeks and then they finally fixed the door


The group was walking past the abandoned house and then the door glowed all of us where shocked and we started to run to the door and went though it when we went though I saw matty I ran up and hugged him and I didn't know what got into me but I cuped his cheeks and kissed him then I heard Boscha: "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU AND GUS WHERE DATING" matty: "because I think he just confused me" Gus: "yeah I just did" collector and king: "does this mean you are going to finally sleep after two weeks" Luz: "KING" luz hugged king crying Gus: " wait I just realized you haven't slept in 2 weeks" matty: "yeah I haven't but I'll sleep at one point" Gus: "nope you are going to sleep" I picked them up bridal style and went in his house and put him in his bed matty: "no I'll just get out of bed every time you put me in bed" they where about to get out of bed but I grabbed them and big spoon them and I said goodnight and kissed them and they kissed back and they said matty: "goodnight Gus I love you" and we both fell asleep cuddling

Words 789

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