chapter 6: friends don't listen

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yang and ruby met raven and they played catch up and chatted amongst themselves while i spoke with ozpin and ironwood

"look, no offence to either of you but, the problem we have is our technology relies on our ability to use magic, because the rest of remnant can't do that the best i can give you are lesser copies of what we have" i said

"why can't magic spread" ironwood asked

"well it probably could if the more powerful of us chose to go to another continent to settle down with a family and sire children the problem is, everyone is quite content on ardania, they don't want to leave and we don't force them, and it's because there is no such thing as politics here, you want change fight for it, you succeed you get what you want you fail you die, a simple system, and no one will stand in your way, but because of how the other kingdoms work the local populace can't get what they want because those in power have an army defending them, and people suffer if you fail a rebellion, to change it" i said

"here you fail, it returns to the status quo, there are no changes, anywhere else the problem just gets worse trust me i know, i have had an argument with my compatriots about invading the rest of remnant to fix the problem, each of us would take over one of the continents. i argued against this your welcome" i said

"why, you'd win" ironwood said

"but many people on your side would suffer throughout our war, our side, are nearly all warriors so, the most they'd suffer would be a minor inconvenience" i said which was true

"i see" ozpin said

"young master uzukaze" klein came in and said

"yes what is it" i asked he leaned in and whispered in my ear

"they are doing this now" i said annoyed

"yes sir" he said

"doing what" ironwood asked

"we have the materials to allow a person to learn and unlock their respective role, who told them" i asked

"mistress salem young master" klein said

"i'm gonna kill her" i said even further annoyed

"what shall i do young master, by law it cannot be done, without a lord to bare witness to the procedure" klein asked

"yes i'm aware of the law klein, i assume everyone is there" i said he nodded i got an idea

"tell them they can wait until after i treat, the maiden" i said he nodded

"so when do you plan to bring her" i asked

"as soon as we return to beacon, which means we should be leaving now" ozpin said i nodded

"good day headmaster" i said

"klein i want you to give them a crash course in the claiming ceremony, since they are so insistent, i said the man nodded and went to do as he is told i sighed

when the fall maiden arrived i had to cinder return the maiden powers to her while also having my healers bringing her back to health

to say she was grateful would be an understatement to the point she joined the classes i was having the others take which annoyed me further

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