chapter 7: fealty

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"one last time are you sure about this" i asked they all nodded

"why is this room so big" yang asked

"you'll see, alright who's first" i asked raven stepped up choosing to go first a soon as she stepped into the middle of the magic circle it activated there was a bright glow before raven was gone and in it's place was a katana and sheath i grabbed it unsheathing it

"you'll see, alright who's first" i asked raven stepped up choosing to go first a soon as she stepped into the middle of the magic circle it activated there was a bright glow before raven was gone and in it's place was a katana and sheath i grabbe...

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"a saber class gear huh" i said to myself

"saber class" weiss asked

"all gears, are part of one of seven classes, saber class are all about swords, all gears have a weapon name unique to them, calling out a gears name, would unleash it's power, a name however isn't known until a master claims the gear in question" i said

"master" a female voice said i looked up

"ah everyone meet bishamonten my invoker" i said

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"ah everyone meet bishamonten my invoker" i said

"have you claimed her" winter asked

"no, but she is quite literally the soul of a magia, without her my magia would be a useless paperweight" i said the group nodded

"anyway who's next" i asked winter walked up

she glowed brightly

"i'm an adapter" she said i nodded figuring as much

"next" i said kali walked up she was an adapter

and so it went on, amber, kali, blake, pyrrha, velvet, weiss and winter were all adapters

raven, ren, and ruby, were gears, which annoyed the hell out of me i need only one adapter, more gears would have been nice

coco, nora, sienna, yatsu, and yang were shifters an boy was yang surprised when she turned into her dragon form for the first time

"now that you all know your roles, i'm gonna ask again even though i think i already know the answer but are you sure you want to swear yourselves to me" i asked

"stop asking, our answer won't change" yang said stubbornly getting a nod of agreement from the rest

"fine fine, do you all understand what is asked of you" i asked they nodded

"fine, who's first" i asked

"i am" pyrrha said as she stepped forward she got onto her hands and knees in kowtow position

she kissed my left foot

"i pyrrha nikos, do swear myself, mind, body, and soul to naruto uzukaze" pyrrha said as she kissed my right foot

"i swear my life to his cause, to follow his order whatever it may be" pyrrha said i lifted my right foot and pressed it firmly on her head

"i accept your oath, as you accept, the responsibilities your station holds, rise now as my vassal" i said

i completed that ceremony with everyone else in the room feeling a sense of satisfaction rush through me as i did so

after it was done it was time for the second ceremony of which i chose to use raven as my catalyst drawing her from her sheath i walked up to yang in her dragon form i yet again lifted my foot pressing it firmly on her snout as i cut into her head with raven drawing blood and fulfilling the contract i did this with all of the shifters

feeling another rush of satisfaction after doing so

"so who do you want to fuck first" yang asked rather bluntly after all of the ceremonies have finished

"that should be rather obvious, but not tonight, i think everyone should get some time to get used to their new stations" i said

"so is it weiss" yang asked

"no try again" i said annoyed this should be extremely obvious|

"is it pyrrha" blake asked

"duh" i said ever more annoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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