*Ring RIN-*alban woke from the sound of his alarm alban check the time and almost falling off the bed
*Alban's pov*
"Ahh!! I'm GOING TO BE LATE " he thought to himself
I got off my bed and when straight to the bathroom to check if I look fine"Good enough!" I changed to my school uniform and when down stairs and grab a one piece of bread and when straight to the door I lock it before I left
* In the school entrance*
I run as fast as I can and I made it in time before the bell rings
I took a deep breath and walk to my class I rest my head on my desk and wait for the teacher"God good thing I made it in time or else I'll be in detention again" I thought to myself
The teacher came and started to teach
I when to the cafeteria and I saw sonny and the others I walk towards them
"SONNYYY! "As I wave my hand
He saw me and wave back with he's cute smile
When I got close I hugged him and he hugged back
"Onii!! "
"Wow albanyan no hello for us?" Fulger ask while raising he's eyebrows
I looked at him and stick out my tongue out
"Hmph" " fine Hello fulgur while pouting and hi uki hello too Yugo
Happy?" I ask while still pouting"Yes that's much better now let's eat" fulgur said with a smile
Everyone agreed and we started eating and talking.
That's it for now if it's confusing sorry I did try my best anyways Have a great night or day or Evening^^
Stay healthy 286words

[COMPLETED] {BOOK 1}happy with him (highschool Au) Sonnyban& Psyborg
Fanfictionsonny and alban are really close so close that there other classmates though that they are dating but they are not but Alban wish they are alban has a really big crush on sonny while sonny he thinks of him as a little brother because alban keep ca...