chapter 7

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Alban saw uki sonny and finally fulgur and yugo is there he walked towards them he said his hellos to
Uki and sonny and the others all of us talk about us going to the park tomorrow,

*Next day*

All of us are in the park
Alban ask if Emily can join they said it's fine
So he did ,
today he I don't feel like talking to anyone but he still continue to go, then Emily called Alban
Alban stood up and said his sorry to the others
He walk towards Emily they both started to talk the others watch alban walk away but they continue there conversation again
Sonny continue to look at Alban but stops when fulgur called him

Alban's pov*

You need me Em? I said to Emily as I face her
She's leaning against a tree she looked at me,
well I noticed that your not talking to much like you use too today, she said to me
Well I'm just not in a mood to talk with anyone but I don't want to miss the hangout i said to her
Or maybe your planning on confessing soon? She said whiper directly at me so the others can't hear her

I- I don't know yet I said looking away
I can feel Emily looking at me and I hear a soft sigh from her
Alright I won't push you but can you at least tell me what happened? Emily ask me


Alban was looking for the others he then saw uki and sonny at the Rooftop he started to walk towards them but stopped when he saw sonny whisper something on uki's ear then uki's face becomes red He then yelled at sonny his face is still red from what sonny said sonny then laugh but uki didn't laugh because how Embarrassed he is they didn't see alban because there back's was facing alban

Maybe I'll join later when fulgur and yugo is there, alban thought to himself as he walk away still hearing the laughter from sonny

That's it I guess.. alban said to Emily
Do you think sonny like uki? Alban ask Emily while facing her.
Well I don't know let's just forget about it for now Emily said staring to walk off but stopped when he heard what alban said.

Do you think it's a good idea to just..
Give up my feelings for sonny?. Alban ask looking at the sky with a sad smile as his hair floats around because of the wind.
I'll post the next chapter laterr I'm been busy sorryyy anyways EMILY IS BACKK:)) and if it's confusing again GOMENNASAI!!

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