01 ; soapies

105 4 8

hiyoko s. x mahiru k.
requested by; ka-chunk-y-cheese

mahiru clutched her camera to her chest, sighing deeply at the sight of the pouring rain. her and her girlfriend, hiyoko, had just left a dinner party with their other friends and if the girl knew it was going to rain, she would've brought an umbrella.

"i'm sorry dear," she stuck an arm out from where they stood near the restaurant door. it was clear the rain didn't plan on stopping. the two girls had walked instead of driving, and mahiru was really wishing she had taken their car instead. "i d-didn't know it was going to rain." looking at hiyoko, who just stared ahead at the rain. she was attached to mahirus arm, and had her mouth pulled into a thin line.

"my kimono.." she whined, pulling on mahirus arm. everyone knew how hiyoko loved her kimono, and how she hated smelling like anything else besides her vanilla lotion.

that's why the red head felt bad about not knowing it was going to rain.

still, she smiled. they both know that they only had one way to get home. and as much as mahiru didn't mind, hiyoko certainly minded, alot.

she gave her girlfriend a look of pure disgust. and offense. "there's no way i'm going home in the rain! and i'm definitely not walking. rain makes you smell bad, and i hate being smelly! you know that." her eyes were wide and she had let go of mahirus arm, using her arms to talk and emphasize more on how she was not going in the rain. mahiru, on the other hand, was not listening. as much as she loves her girlfriend, she just wants to go home and sleep.

"you can stay here then. i, f-for one, will meet you at home when you manage t-to make it there." mahiru said, and despite the noises of objection, she ran into out into the rain.

hiyoko just stood there and watched.

she wasn't sure how mahiru could have a smile on her face when she was getting drenched. hiyoko couldn't believe that she didn't mind how her clothes were sticking to her. or how her camera was getting wet! hiyoko would hate for clothes to get wet- she can't stand cloth sticking to her skin. it's so uncomfortable.

yet, the smile on her girlfriends face made her loosen up a little. she was still grumpy about the rain, and the fact she's going to smell like rain water, and the fact she was probably going to get sick.

mumbling, she slowly stepped out from under the restaurant door. the feeling of water on her socks made her cringe. she looked at mahiru, who was holding up her camera. hiyoko grimaced.

"don't you dare! it's dark and i'm ugly right now."

mahiru scoffed. her camera lowered against her chest, she stared at hiyoko like she was insane, which, she was for saying that she looked ugly right now. if anything she looked beautiful. atleast, mahiru thought so. the way her blonde ponytails were flat because of the rain, her skin was pale, lit under the moon and she looked so, so very beautiful.

"ugly? love you look a-angelic!" she said, flashing a genuine smile. shocked at the compliment, hiyoko looked away, her face red. "i do not." she mumbled.

she still wasn't used to getting complimented by mahiru- which is funny, considering they have been together for almost three years.

anything mahiru says or does, hiyoko still blushes like it's their first day of dating.

still silent, the blonde ran towards her girlfriend and jumped onto her, tackling her into a hug. a very wet hug.

mahirus instinct was to grab onto the girls waist as she took her down with her. she felt them both go down and she mentally prepared herself for the impact they were about to have with the wet and puddle-filled road.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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