It's Complicated - LTHSFICS

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Description: Louis takes a swig of his beer. "You wanna know why we aren't okay?"
"Please do tell me Louis," Harry insists.
"You"-Louis sticks his finger against Harry's chest-"are making a big deal about nothing! We both miss shit, not just me okay? So don't go blaming all our problems on me!"
"The problem is you Louis!"
"Oh really? Well then why don't you just rid of the problem then?"
Harry frowns. "What the hell do you mean?"
And without even thinking Louis shouts, "Divorce me! Hell divorce me and maybe we'll both be happier!" As soon as the words leave his mouth, he regrets them.
Louis and Harry never would have thought that one day they would be getting a divorce. The only thing that connects them now is a long history and more importantly their three children. Both parents never wanted this, but maybe a divorce was just what they needed.

7/10. Pretty good a lot of drama. Harry and Louis get divorced. The beginning is mid divorce but then it time jumps to a year after the divorce. They are stupid and fight about literally everything and almost get back together but then don't like 5 million times. Happy ending. No smut.

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