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Porshe pov

I am really impressed by how kinn adores Kanya but i never thought he loves her this much i really like that necklace like it was shining
While i was on my thoughts i heard my phone ring

Ring ring 💍💍💍💍

Oh pete is calling i think it's about
The necklace

On the call...

Hi pete - porshe

Hey what's up - pete

You called me and now you're asking me what's up haa nothing.- porshe

Ok fine 🥺 hey that necklace kinn gave Kanya is fucking good it's shining like a diomond.. - pete


Oh. I like it so much man you husband loves you daughter alot - pete

Yeahhhh he loves her but not more than me - porshe

Oh you think that lets see who your husband loves more you or your daughter - pete

Deal - porshe

At night

Hi love - porshe

Hey babe - kinn

How was your day - porshe

Mmmm kinda good kinda bad - kinn

And why is that - porshe

I don't know  i feel like Kanya grow
up already - kinn

Kinn she is 22 and isn't she already a grown up - porshe

You know what happened today - kinn

What happened tell me - porshe

And before that can I ask you a question - porshe

Yeah - kinn

Did you ever felt like i cheated on you and Kanya kovit is not you kids - porshe

WHAT - kinn

Kinn i was just asking don't freak out - porshe

Point 1 i trust you and our love
And point 2 also sometimes i see myself in our kids - kinn

Oh spooky ok say what happened today - porshe

Actually while we were in a meeting with some of my business partners
One of my business partner was gonna take his shares away but Kanya entered the meeting and sorted out the problem that time i had a feeling my little princess is growing up and the way she was handling everything is quite unique like Kanya was a mix of KINN + PORSHE a sassy cold intelligent kid
And i am also suprised on how good Venice is handling the major family it was good and kovit and Narin are unspeakable because i can't explain them in word i can't their good they are excellent in handling business
When Narin and kovit first said that  they will keep a company i was a bit
Shocked but now my sons are on the leading step with me they sit beside me as business partners i am happy about it that's what happened today - kinn

mmmm can i ask one more question - porshe

Mmm - kinn

Who do you love more me or Kanya - porshe

Mmmm describing baby you are like my heart  without you i can't live Kanya is like my brain without her my body won't work kovit is like my eyes without him every thing is dark Narin is like a entranl happyness to our house without him their is no fun in this family - kinn

Mmmmm that means you don't love me - porshe

Oh my silly baby u are my heart without you nothing will be alive without you there is none of our said kinn and kissed porshe but the kiss countinues and


You unholy babies that'it for now

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