💙 if you guys ever break up 💙

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{ if you guys ever broke up,tyler would be mad,upset,and literally devastated.

{ he would most likely cry a lot at night.

{ he would get very upset more easily.

{ when somone would mention your name,or something about you,it would make him mad and even about make him cry.

{ he would rip up all the pictures of you,but then realize what he did and try and tape the pictures back together.

{ he would loose his appetite easier,and he wouldn't feel much like eating.

{ when he's looking at your pictures,or old text messages,it would make him cry.

{ and he would cry even more if his braces were bothering him.

{ he would think about texting you,but he roundly do it,so instead,he would throw his phone.

{ he would get way more destructive and angered easily.

{ and he wouldn't really feel like doing much.

{ so please,don't break the poor boys heart. 💔

His breakup playlist

{ you were good to me - Jeremy Zucker

{ flower shops - Ernest,Morgan Wallen

{ play date - Melanie Martinez

{ if the world was ending - JP saxe,Julia Michaels

{ bandaid on a bullet hole - Morgan wallen

{ train wreck - James Arthur

{ your grace - Lewis capaldi

{ be alright - Dean Lewis

{ as the world caves in - Sarah cothren

{ I hate you,I love you - gnash

{ hold me while you wait - Lewis capaldi

{ cover me up - Morgan wallen

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