Chapter 1

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Lily Jones

"Beep, Beep, Beep"

The sound of my alarm going off. It was a good thing for once in my life. I was going to spend the summer at my Grandparent's cottage by the sea. I sit up and turn my alarm off. Grabbing my phone and scroll through social media for about 15 minutes until Mum walks in.

"Good Morning honey" as mum opens the door and pops her head around " Breakfast is ready if you want to come down"

"Morning, ye I will come down now after you" I stand up and follow mum down the stair and into the kitchen where breakfast is set out for me. "Thank you mum"

"No problem, since you will be gone for a while and I won't see you I thought I would make a bit of an effort this morning" she turns and grabs the orange juice out of the fridge and pours a cup for me, and places it in front of me.

"Will you be joining us at the cottage later on in the summer?" I ask since she will be working for the most part and that is the reason I always go to my grandparents during the summer. She's a single mother so she has to work hard to have this house and the life I have had.

"Yes, I have two weeks off in a couple of weeks so I will be joining you then," She says as she sits down opposite me at the dining table. 

I finish off my cereal and orange juice. "Right, I'm heading upstairs to pack last-minute things and to change"

"Ok dear" my mom, replies.

I run upstairs and head into my room grab my phone and head into the bathroom and start the sower. I scroll through my Spotify and land on my favorite playlist  "Beach Love". I strip down and hop in the shower washing my body and hair. As I get out I grab two towels one for my hair and one for my body. I grab my phone and head into my room with the music still blaring. I open my wardrobe and look for something to wear on the journey there. I pick out a lain white tank top and a striped white and blue men's shirt that I found in a thrift store along with some cream trousers. And I debate wearing my new shoes I got yesterday but who am I kidding I'm just going to wear my classic black converses, And I'm all set.

 And I debate wearing my new shoes I got yesterday but who am I kidding I'm just going to wear my classic black converses, And I'm all set

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(This is the outfit)

I hear a honk outside as I look I realize it is my ride. I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth and slap some makeup on as I grab the final things I need and stuff them into my suitcase and grab my tote bag. As I'm about to leave I see my hairbrush and the books I was going to take with me. I grab them and throw them into my bag before I head down the stairs to be greeted by my mum.

"Have a safe trip, I will see you in a couple of weeks" she says as I hug her.

"I will mum, I love you"

"Love you too darling" I head out the door and the driver gets out and grabs my suitcase and puts it in the trunk as I share another hug with my mum. We break away and I get in the car and I wave at her as I head out of the driveway. Now I'm on my way to have one of the best summers ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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