What if...Squall and Jupiter are Morrigan's parents? Part 2/?

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President Wintersea was long gone. She didn't live him much choice. Squall knows that if he didn't do what he was told, Maud have the power to make him face serious consequences. Looking down at his daughter, who's now fast asleep, tears gathered in his eyes, threatening to drop. How could he ever kill, or even harm his own daughter? Squall held the baby close to him, his eyes staring into space.

After a long time, he carefully stood up, trying not to wake the sleeping baby in his arms.

"Sorry," he whispered, as a single tear dropped.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let anybody hurt you."


Morrigan cried nonstop in Squall's arms as if knowing they were going to separate. Yes, Squall had already name his daughter Morrigan, it was the only, and perhaps the last thing he could do as a father. Rocking her gently in his arms, Squall let his tears slid down his face. He doesn't know when's the next time he will see his daughter again. Months? Years? Squall can't afford to take one wrong step right now. Ever since Maud found out he had a child, she had sent out many of her men to keep an eye on them, watching their every move closely through a close distant. One wrong move could lead President Wintersea to straight away to kill the baby herself; giving Squall three days to kill his own baby was her biggest mercy to them. 

Squall know he doesn't have much time left. He would have to get back as soon as possible, as the people who were sent to watch him, are still stuck in a the fake vision that he had created (A vision of Squall killing his daughter). Maud would soon grow suspicious if her men haven't report back to her for such a long time.

Squall gently kissed his daughter on her forehead as he took one last look at Morrigan, as if trying to engrave his daughter into his memories, before gently placing her into a cradle.

Being the second most power person in the FreeState, it wasn't hard to check the hospital records to find a mother from a wealthy family whose going to give birth soon. Squall was planning to let his baby to be safe from Maud, and raised happily, even if he wasn't around. To Squall's surprise, while in the hospital, he met someone who he haven't seen for a long time, someone he thought he would had never see ever again. 

"Ezra Squall? Is that you-?" 

The pregnant woman covered her mouth in shock as she raised her voice. Squall quickly dragged her into an empty room, while the woman stared at him in absolute shock. Making sure the coast was clear, he quickly closed the door behind while turning around to the woman in utter disbelief.


Indeed it was, Maggie, Maggie Bauer...the sister to...Elodie. 

Squall didn't kill her, after seeing the poor young girl sob and hugged her sister's body at the courage square that day...something inside of him stopped him from doing so. (Look, I know there is so many things that doesn't make sense but this is the type of AU with a messed up timeline, so just go with it)

Thoughts started to run through Squall's head and within 2 seconds, he had already decided to spill everything to her. (NOT A SHIP, PURE FRIENDSHIP... A BIT OF GUILT SINCE HE KILLED HER SISTER...) Knowing Maggie's (even if he killed her sister) personality, she would never move her dislike towards him to a innocent child...even if she's his daughter. Giving Morrigan to her would be the safest choice as Maggie would know the situation....a-and if there is a chance, they might be able to reunite together again in the far future.


".....Okay....so, let me get this clear..."

"You want me to take care of your newborn daughter...still hard to believe that you have a daughter, because President Wintersea wants to kill her."

Maggie was sitting on a chair, expressionless, her eyes wide open staring at the Squall, aka, the-most-evil-man-who-killed-many-innocent-people-in-the-Great-War-and-was-banished-from-Nevermoor-about-100-years-ago.

"Yes, I am, in fact, I'm begging you Maggie!"

"You do realize how insane this sounds right?"

"I know, I know," Squall sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Please Maggie, I know I've done so many wrong things in the past, but this all have nothing to do with my daughter, help me...help her! Please..."

Maggie stared at Squall for a long time, the atmosphere in the room getting tense.

At last, Maggie sighed and reached her arms out for the baby.

"I'll take care of her."


Sooooooooooo sorry for not updating for a long time....I'm a bit busy with all the exams coming up....and the assessments....and homework........ToT

Btw, for the people who had read my other book, Morrigan Crow Book 2....I'm not sure if anybody will....but by any chance, do guys think the name Maggie sounds familiar? ...Perhaps you've seen it in one of the chapter....perhaps in the Squall chapter? 

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