Welcome to Gravity Falls

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"Alright girls,we have to find Discord and get the Elements back." Princess Twilight Sparkle,or Twilight said.
"Shhh... It's ok Sugarcube," Applejack was trying to calm down a heartbroken Fluttershy.
"W-w-w-why w-w-would h-he do it-t-t, he pr-r-romisedddd" Fluttershy sobbed. Rainbow Dash was puting on face makeup, "I'm going to beat him to a pulp for hurting Flutters."
"OH OH!!! Me too!!!" Pinkie Pie jumped up and down with a tiny hint of insanity in her eye.* Rarity hugged Fluttershy and went up to Twilight,
"Can you really do this darling? I don't want you to be hurt." Twilight replied with a nod and her horn glowed. A portal opened on the wall.
"Ok... Here it goes..." And one by one they went through. "AHHHH!!!"
When they landed,Twilight was the only on not surprised they were humans. "You'll get used to it" she helped them up. "How,I can't fly!"
"I can't use any of my magic!!"
"I can still use my party canon!!" Pinkie pulled out her party canon from nowhere. "I'm not going to ask... C'mon let's look around." Twilight sighed.
"Umm.... R-Rainbow... Can y-you carry me?" Fluttershy asked with the cutest face ever. "Sure!" With that Rainbow picked up Fluttershy and walked off.
"Could ya'll get me down!?!?" Applejack was hanging,more like stuck, in an apple tree. Pinkie held out her hand so AJ could grab it.
"Thanks Pinkie."
"No problem!!!!!~~" she skipped off, dang that girl was hyper. As the walked they,one by one, tripped and fell on some kids their age.
"Ohmygosh!! I'm soooooooo sorry!!!!^w^" Pinkie hopped off dragging Rainbow and Fluttershy with her.
"It's cool.." The boy said helping his twin up. She looked at Pinkie.
"Oh.my.god. I Love your hair!" And with that Pinkie and Mabel were talking a mile per minute.
"I'm Dipper,and that's Mabel."
"I'm Twilight."
"Rainbow Dash"
"F-F-Fluttershy.... EEK!!" She jumped as a leaf fell on her.
I'm leaving at that!!~~~ mhahahaha soon all the ponies will be Disco-- wait.... You heard nothing,NOTHING
*Remeber the insanity
<3 you guys!!~~
Oh and PS: DipperxWendy is the
current ship that's going on.

Welcome to Gravity Falls ((discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now