Dashie's very short adventures

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Rd's pov

Man, for a town that looked small you could get lost in it. I kinda stopped looking for my element awhile ago. I kept getting this weird looks whenever I asked someone about it. Not like I care, I'm too awesome to be put down by looks! It was getting pretty late so I decided to head back to the others. They said something about a Mystery Shack. Don't know what that is, but I'm worried about Flutters. Discord was a close friend to her and look at what he did. What a jerk. Seeing how I was too busy ranting in my mind about Discord and stuff like that, I found myself in the woods.
"Don't worry Rainbow Dash...no need to be scared. It's just the woods..." The woods seem to resemble the Everfree Forest a tiny bit, not much though. I'm sure there wasn't any monsters around.
There was rustling in the bushes, causing me to look around.
"Who's there?!" I asked, looking around.
"Oh dear me, did I scare you?" A little boy asked, while holding a strange book and some other items.
"Me? Scared? Ha! I'm not scared of anything!" Hopefully the little guy will believe me.
"Mmhmm.. My name is Gideon Gleeful, but you call lil ol'  me Gideon" so he seemed to believe me. Alright.
"The name's Rainbow Dash. Or Dashie to my friends" I gave a small smile before sighing, "do you know where this thing called The Mystery Shack is..?"
"The Mystery Shack? Why of course I do! Why would need to go there..?" He seemed to not like that I mentioned The Mystery Shack.
"I'm meeting some of my friends but I don't know where it is....I'm new here..." He gave another smile, man this kid is creeping me out. Or maybe it's the book... Yeah, it's the book.
"The Mystery Shack is done that way and you should be able to find it. I have to go do some things. I hope you have a wonderful night, Rainbow Dash." He held the bag and book tighter before turning to head to a field.
"Bye.Thanks, I guess..." I shrugged and walked to where he said the Shack was. When I got there I was bombarded by hugs.
"Dashie you're okay!!" They said, still hugging me.
"Yeah I'm fine. You won't believe what happened," I gave a small laugh as I walked into the Shack, explaining what happened. The twins, Dipper and Mabel, seemed to be worried.
"You meet Gideon.... In the woods with a weird book... This might not be good."

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